Dog neuter problems, help please!

He finally peed!!!!!

He also finally succumbed to the E collar and not licking.
The wound is covered in a gauze pad now, but there's only light oozing/bleeding stain on the pad, nothing bright red, not really even pink and it starting to turn brownish, so it's not still bleeding. Cross yours fingers!
The incision should heal fine. Just watch for any sign of infection and keep him from licking it. If he hasn't peed by morning, I'd call the vet back again. My vet nurse daughter says they tell people that same advice for pulled stitches- saves the cost of another office visit for something that can be taken care of at home. Heck, I had my knee operated on in Jan. and 2 of my stitches pulled out. Dr.'s office said - "no problem. It happens. If it get red or irritated, call back." They were right. Healed up just fine. I would watch the peeing issue, tho, once he's back to normal drinking.
My Giant Schnauzer did the same thing, we referred to it as "the blowout" my vet had me use Neosporin ointment on the wound and it healed up. Glad the collar is working, it did not on mine. Just keep an eye on it for infection, he may need antibiotics.

I don't think your vet is uncaring or lazy, I think vets just do not get upset at things like we owners do.
It was actually gaping open from stem to stern, though. That still okay? I'm not sure if the wound opened again, as I have it covered, but so far, so good.
In a male dog it is not as serious as a female. If you are worried pull the guaze off anc check. If it is open go ahead and reglue it. Just remember to leave a drainage spot.
Same thing mine did. Do you have Neosporin or an antibiotic ointment? I would wait until tomorrow afternoon to put that on, let it drain, some, also it is going to swell, even more now that he has messed with it.
I am shocked by your vet. My English Springer got the big snip on Feb 19th at the SPCA and our vet saw him the same day, gave us a second round of instructions ( just in case we lost the set from the SCPA ) and some pain meds. They told us he may not eat alot the first day but to let him drink as much water as he wants. We bought a collar about 20 mins after bringing him home because he went straight to licking. The hardest part for us was he couldn't get wet and if you know anything about English Springers that's darn near impossible to do! He loved laying in the grass in the morning but I couldn't allow him so I had to leash him for potty breaks.

I am really and truly surprised they told you not to worry about's a huge deal to have the sight open like that so soon after the snip. Infection is the first thing that comes to my mind.

Best of luck with him and YIPPIE for the wee!
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I ended up bringing my male dog home the same day he had his surgery due to his separation anxiety. They put all the stitches inside so no worries I think they used something like super glue on him. He did have a problem with peeing that first day but then he did fine. I would wait until tomorrow and then check the wound and see how he is doing. Keeping my fingers crossed that all works out for your dog.
He was a same day, too. Dropped him at 9am and picked him up at 4:30pm. He was good about licking and honestly didn't do it in front of us. I don't think I'll be using her again. It was a first time experience because I was trying to save money on the neuter. Look what I get for being cheap. Ugh

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