Dog obsessed with new chickens


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 27, 2012
So, I've had my dog for over a year and my pullets since April and my dog has basically only barked at them. The way the chicken run is set up my dog could dig under and get in if he wanted to but only tried once. He went in and picked up a chicken with it's mouth and when I said "no let's go for a walk" he just set her down/she was fine. He's only barked occasionally at them since not trying to get in although he can. BUT! Recently I got two seramas and he is OBSESSED with them. He's broken into the coop through the run twice and just barks crazily at the cage they're temporarily in inside the coop and claws at it trying to get in. I'm going to have to get blocks or something more secure to put around the run so he wont dig in but I'd rather not have to worry about it. He eventually lost interest in the older girls. Will it just take time until he loses interest in the Seramas too? He just sits by the coop whenever I let him out sniffing them and just sits there waiting or something. He caught one serama on sunday and I have no idea how because they were in the cage and the cage wasn't opened. He "played" with it for over a half hour and then just set it down and walked away not a scratch on the traumatized bird. I know I need to make my run more secure anyway but I'd rather not have to worry about my dog being one of the predators even if he has no interest in killing them only "catching them."

P.S. first one of my birds started laying last week and am super excited every morning. :)
You might... You might not... I personally would secure the run against your dog. Better to avoid potential heart ache by being proactive now than by having more than just a traumatized bird later.

I have 2 dogs. On occasion, my puggle gets out of the dog yard. I don't know how she does it, but she does. Anyway, she alone isn't a problem. She'll walk through the chickens, not bothering any of them. Now Argus, my boston bully, he gets out with her, and I will have a dead chicken. He likes the taste of chicken I guess. SO, I ended up putting wood all along the bottom of my fence of the dog yard. If I am out and they get out, they don't do anything to the birds. BUT its when I am not out and they are out that I worry. Its when you are not looking that something will eventually happen if you do not secure the chickens area from your dog. If your dog can get in so can something much worse.
Sounds like you need to look up some of the very informative threads on here about training your dog to leave the chickens alone. It will take a LOT of time, patience, and consistency, but would be well worth it. Could be your dog's interest in the seramas is because they're new and different. Hopefully he'll get used to them soon.
Thank you all. I'll be reading up on other threads. He attacked on of the bigger girls today after I "fixed" the fence. Looks like I'm going to need to surround the run with cinder blocks.
Don't know if you've ever seen the tv show "The Dog Whisperer" with Cesar Millan. But he had several episodes about training your dog to leave alone your other pets. (Like chickens, rabbits Guinea pigs) You take your dog to where he can see the chickens and if he focuses on them you tell him no. The point is to show the dog that he must ignore your chickens. We have 2 dogs both about 45-50lbs One is a very instinctive hunter and they run loose with them, but they both completely leave our chickens alone. It takes time and working with your dog. But it can be done.

We also have a cockatiel that likes to walk around the house on the floor. But can do so unbothered by the dogs. They will even move out of his way
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I have three small dogs, (one is a Jack). I have been lucky because my hens have no problem chasing the dogs. Also, my rooster(Frenchie) has taught all three dogs his hens are not to be bothered. I love this rooster because he gave each dog their appropriate warnings and did not hurt them. All three dogs got the hint. There is harmony in the back yard. If you don't have a rooster, I would walk my dog on a leash when the chickens are loose. You don't have to do it forever, just until he gets the point. Bring his favorite toy and/or treats. Spend time with the dog close to the chickens. When he acts like he wants to chase the chickens, a slight tug on the leash & a firm "no", then get him interested in the toy. Persistance and patience. Good luck, Jacks are wonderful dogs but they are quite a handful.

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