Dog Problem (no losses yet)

Two suggestions for options...

1. Electric fence

2. Ask a friendly cop to speack with her even if a "white lie" must be used to to get her to lerash the dog. The elderly grew up old school and respect for the law was one of the rules.
Not exactly sure of how things are set up but if it's possible to put a hot wire across the area the dog would need to go to reach your birds, that would solve your problem. This way Grandma gets to stay in her "he's perfect" world and not correct him and you get to protect your birds when you're not around -- the hot wire does all the work.
To Grandma's spoiled little brat.

There are solar chargers for about $100, so access to electricity is not a problem.

I wanted to add. A leash doesn't solve the problem. All he needs to do is get the leash out of her hands plus, she doesn't sound like she knows how to properly control a dog on a leash so it's a false security measure.

The dog needs to associate your birds with PAIN! Zap his little arse!
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The leash thing worked--she actually is keeping him on the leash when outside the dog run! I'm just amazed she went for it! Unfortunately, some of your comments are right; he's still chasing the girls to the end of his leash. This way, though, at least they have room to get away (assuming grandma hangs onto the leash well enough). My poor brother was the only one around to get the barrage of 'what did my dog do' from her, though. From what he said, he seems to have handled it well.

To answer some questions, my parents own the house. Grandma moved in within the past few years. Also, the dogs have a designated run that's a bit more than 50' by 50', more than enough, I'd think, for him to have running time. The electric fence or hotwire could work, except that when my girls free-range, the only places they're restricted from are the road and the dog run. We could potentially sneak a shock collar onto him, though, and push the button any time we notice he shows too much interest in the birds... For now, we don't really have the funds to do more than I already have, which was to get her to use the leash. Thanks again for all the suggestions, though! Very useful and very much doable if I save up some of my own cash!

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