dog question-

only one lay

11 Years
Nov 2, 2008
litchfield mi
Advised daughter about what kind of dog to get.A lazy calm slow dog that she didn't have to do much with.As childern do she ignored me. She got a corgi- A active intense fast energy bound beauty. 5 months later she(dd) got with child.My grandson is now 6months and you can guess how the dog(Elle) has been. elle is great with the boy and is good when ever people are aaround to show time and attention.elle was left alone for to long -chewed carpet some other things and is being pushed out. I made the deal with dd soninlaw to pay all vet bills active and preventive and am moving elle in to my space. My otrher dogs all have manners and know commands verbally and some visually. She has crate training to a slight level. Any one with wonderful ideas on what purpose to get this ambitious dog on please speak up. She moves in 10 hrs from now. Thanks
congrats on the new dog!...i think its awesome you are helping him and your daughter also!
well as the owner of a boxer, and boxer lab mix. They both get very bored when left alone, so your best bet is to get your new dog plenty of toys. Chew toys work the best for something for them to focus on, there is a good toy you can pick up at petco.

it takes a flavoured canned spray food similar to peanut butter, and they have to work it to get to the good tasting stuff. Should keep her entertained for hours, Also dont keep her in her crate to long if your home. The lack of attention will make her more likely to act out, so really its just about love and keeping her occupied with toys and things to keep her mind on something.

Should she start to chew get some bitter end from pet smart and spray whereever she is chewing that will put a quick stop to that.

Otherwise your in great shape, congrats on your new addition to your home

oh and if your son deciedes to get another dog for your daughter i recomend a choclate lab, they still go through the puppy stages but when they are grown they just love to be around ppl, and will just lay around where their master is

We have a male Corgi so i understand the energy your going to be dealing with. I recommend either just basic training or agility training. The dog will LOVE the one on one time with you and agility lets them exercise all that pent up energy. From my experience Corgi's are eager to please so you both could have a lot of fun in agility. Its not generally hard to find a training group. Check in at all your local pet stores, I'm sure you'll find one.
I recommend hard chews (pig ears, twists, etc.) because they clean the teeth while providing the satisfaction for her chewy needs. We did this with our boy, but he still destroyed numerous books. Thankfully he grew out of it in time. Good luck with Elle and Hopefully that helped!
That's a rare lab that just lays around.
I have one and know many others with them and that is definitely the exception .. not the rule with labs.

As for the corgi, my friends that have 3 of them, do agility. You can set up your own course in the backyard using pvc pipe or really anything to create a low jump , ramps, tunnels, etc.
There are a few good books out there on how to train them... it's pretty easy , especially if it
s a food motivated dog. Good luck!

We have English Cockers and they are very high strung. When we leave some of them have to be put into crates so that they do not chew on things. They have never grown out of it is 8 and the other is 6. The six y/o is the worst and always has been. At first she hated it, now you just open the door and say her name and she hops in and lays down. Hope this helps some?
Oh my socks just rolled up and down at that thought! a chocholate lab as a mellow house dog! Not in my experience! I know it depends on the individual dog, and I can not stress that enough! There are calm labs out there.... But they are the exception! not the rule! no matter the breed, evaluate every dog individually, breed types and standards are guides, not genetic concrete! Just like every egg holds a surprise personality if not color, so does every puppy!

I have known many a corgi that was the most wonderful family dog! Energy enuff to keep up with the kids, and smarts enuff to know when too! A good daily walk, or a clean yard to run around and investigate should be all your new Corgi will need. They are not hyper, (generally) and a nice bed, and a few good chew toys of interest may be all you need!

And if she really is an issue, you just let me know! I will come and get her! I LOVE corgi's!

Good Luck!
Corgis RULE! And, yes, many of them enjoy, even excel at agility. However, any one on one activity delights them. My corgi, Willow, is my shadow. She goes with me to collect eggs, to the post office, to the bank, to the park.

She loves to chase snowballs, sticks and loves her squeaky toys. She also loves to curl up her bed under my computer or sit beside me on the couch for some TV time.
Is it at all possible to get her involved in herding? Perhaps take her to someone once a week for fun? Our dogs are always happiest doing what they're bred for, it helps build their confidence and their behavior improves considerably. My husband raises Black Mouth Curs and they can be awful if they don't get to go to work. If they think there's a chance they're going, I can't get them to eat their food, they'll just wait at the door intently!

At one point I was living in an apartment (not by choice) with my Lab mix and Bloodhound. The Bloodhound took it pretty well (but they are not apartment dogs!!!), the Lab did not. She turned from a very good dog into a chewing menace, eating the sofa and rugs. I just could not be mad at her, it was a sign of her unhappiness and I felt terrible. I got them both involved in Search and Rescue, and she absolutely loves it. Her whole demeanour changes when she gets to do 'her job'. Swimming is also very fulfilling for her. She's a real busybody, but a lot more relaxed when she gets to use her brain as well as run.

We now have another Bloodhound that we got specifically for SAR. She's a very sweet dog, sometimes skittish and shy, but she loves to trail. Her body language changes and you can really see the pride she has when she does well. She carries her tail higher, and is just a lot more confident.

We also have a German Shorthair (it's a zoo here!). He was in the pound from 3 or 4 months of age until I bailed him out at 9 months. He is also quite shy, but he loves to hunt birds. The first time we took him quail hunting was amazing. He pointed, retrieved (he won't fetch a toy!), and handed us the birds very gently.

I have seen several episodes of the Dog Whisperer where he rehabilitates dogs by involving them in something that they were bred to do. I'm not saying your new dog needs rehabilitating, but it really does seem to make them happier. It allows them to act instinctively and seems to help them relax. You can also give them a task that is their task alone, it doesn't have to be anything elaborate, and praise the hell out of them when they do well. It can really be anything, from bringing in the chickens to fetching the newspaper, or just going with you to get the mail every day. They also seem to thrive on the one-on-one time.

BTW I think it's great that you've 'rescued' her. Dogs can get so depressed if they feel like they're bad and don't have the opportunity to be good.
Take her to an obedience class to start. This will very quickly help the two of you bond and start a new life together. She will also pick up basic manners etc. that will help in making her a wonderful companion in the home.

Learn how to walk all of the dogs at the same time with you in the lead. This will help them to form a pack and learn from each other what is good/bad behavior. You can use your other dogs to teach and train your new family member.

Corgi's are quite intelligent, outgoing, and happy dogs. They would enjoy having a job to do and agility will help in that area. After your initial obedience class where she is learning to look to you for direction you can branch out to agility. You could also think about therapy dog programs if she has a reliable temperament and enjoys being with all sorts of people.

Not only that, but there are SOO many commands and "tricks" you can teach your dog(s). Retrieving items, carrying items for you(we love this trick at the store where I work and some customers have taught their dog to carry their own little bag of goodies), rolling over, sitting up to 'beg', saying good night prayers, go to bed, be quiet, the list goes on and on. One goal might be to get a CGC - Canine Good Citizen certificate. That is always a fun goal to work towards.

Happy training and congratulations!!!!

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