Dog Questions! Do they get along with chickens, what food do you feed, breed, and more!!!

I have a Portugese Water Dog named Cooper.


he's a 3 year old shelter rescue, and overall, he's great with the hens, he herds them reasonably well, and the hens aren't freaked out by him, he is quite protective of his feathered freinds, sure he has an occasional lapse and tries to chase one, but a quick "NO!" Will stop him....

Porties have a long puppyhood and are slow to mature, so occasional lapses are a possibility, but all he wants to do is chase and play...

The hens have figured out if they go into a submissive squat, he'll snif them a couple times, get bored, then walk away...

The roosters, OTOH, they run and fly away every time, so Cooper thinks PLAYTIME! JOY!!!
The hens are boring now, the roosters are fun!

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