DOG SHOW *PRIZES* Ends 5th April.

Name: Fanta
Age: 9 months
Breed: giant schnauzer x Lab
Gender: female
Fun facts: Fanta is my assistance dog in training, one of the tasks she is learning is to find things (people, the car, etc) so far what she has learnt is to find what she thinks is the best object in the area, she can be very stubborn when she thinks she is right! I was teaching her to find my brother in a shop, instead she found a loaf of bread somebody put on the floor, so every time I asked her to find my brother she would ignore him and go straight to the bread!


DB Cooper
Sprocker Spaniel
dad is american Cocker Spaniel and mom is an English Springer Spaniel
20 months old
He is a male and now weighs 34.5 lbs
His goal in life is to PLAY and eat, in that order.
We play ball everyday and when the snow goes away and it dries up we will start with the frisbe
My maine coon cat is 12 and tolerates him if he stays his distance. If not, it's growling hissing and claws out.
And of course he chases her whenever he can
We live in the country so he can be outside on his own and sticks around for the most part.

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