Dog thread!šŸ¾

I feel you. Barking/fear problems are very frustrating to deal with. Sounds like you are doing a fantastic job keeping up with her exercise needs. Great work!
How do you deal with fear responses to like every new thing? She spooks at any foreign object or person. At least she's good with all the other dogs she's met though. Thanks
The best thing you can do is try and work out exactly why she is barking
-when is she barking
-what is happening when she is barking
-where is she
-could she be too tired/stressed/nervous/excited

Is he the only one she barks at when coming in the door? what makes her start barking? The door noise? Seeing? Smelling? Where is she when he comes in?
She barks and growls a lot when she plays, she'll give a couple warning barks if she hears someone come through the door during the day, but when she hears my dad come in and sees him she starts barking like mad. Her tail wags and she follows him if he starts walking to another room but she might still bark even as she's following. We have be trying to teach her the quiet command
and if we go up to her take her collar and tell her quiet it helps some but it's slow going. She barks at everyone if she can't see them but hears them come in but stops as soon as she sees who they are. She is usually in my parents room or the living room.
you could actually be giving her too much exercise and she might not know how to calm herself down. Going until she is worn out means she will continue to get fitter, they have been bred to be able to do huge amounts of exercise so prioritising mental stimulation will be good!

with dogs like a Malinios they tend to get more hyper when tired rather then calm down. If she isnā€™t all ready crate trained, crate training might be good, they benefit hugely from it
Ok so when she's going nuts but has been exercised either crate her or give her something to do so she'll calm down?
She barks and growls a lot when she plays, she'll give a couple warning barks if she hears someone come through the door during the day, but when she hears my dad come in and sees him she starts barking like mad. Her tail wags and she follows him if he starts walking to another room but she might still bark even as she's following. We have be trying to teach her the quiet command
and if we go up to her take her collar and tell her quiet it helps some but it's slow going. She barks at everyone if she can't see them but hears them come in but stops as soon as she sees who they are. She is usually in my parents room or the living room.
Tail wagging isnā€™t necessarily happy/friendly. What to do depends on if it is demand barking or fear/nervousness/etc which I canā€™t tell through writing unfortunately

punishment or quiet command probably wonā€™t do anything if its nervousness or a need not being met, so it is best to work out exactly why she is barking. She is also a very vocal breed which you do need to keep in mind

Ok so when she's going nuts but has been exercised either crate her or give her something to do so she'll calm down?
yes, if she isnā€™t crate trained then she does need training before you can use the crate. It might take you a bit of time before you know when is tired and when is not enough exercises, it might help to start keeping track of how much rest she is getting
She barks and growls a lot when she plays, she'll give a couple warning barks if she hears someone come through the door during the day, but when she hears my dad come in and sees him she starts barking like mad. Her tail wags and she follows him if he starts walking to another room but she might still bark even as she's following. We have be trying to teach her the quiet command
and if we go up to her take her collar and tell her quiet it helps some but it's slow going. She barks at everyone if she can't see them but hears them come in but stops as soon as she sees who they are. She is usually in my parents room or the living room.

Ok so when she's going nuts but has been exercised either crate her or give her something to do so she'll calm down?
this might also help

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