Dog thread!šŸ¾

Someone from my church has one and they said he tries to bite and hates everyone no matter what they've tried. Apparently the females are nicer though.
I never had one try to bite. They mostly would just be uncooperative when I groomed them. Sitting when I wanted them to stand, and always doing the opposite of what I needed.

I used to call them hippies of the dog world as I imagine they are good at laying down and not moving and needing to be dragged off like hippies at a sit in. Probably too old of a reference for the younger people.
Yesss they seem amazing!!! Iā€™ve always loved havanese too lol Iā€™ve heard llasa apsos are mean
Only groomed one Lhasa apso, and he did have an attitude, but we managed. Those have a longer nose which appeals to me, but you don't see any around anymore. Havanese are more recent. I haven't met any of those.
Only groomed one Lhasa apso, and he did have an attitude, but we managed. Those have a longer nose which appeals to me, but you don't see any around anymore. Havanese are more recent. I haven't met any of those.
Hmm that makes sense. And I think theyā€™re technically an older breed but only just got popular recently.

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