Dog with false preg....maybe!

I start a temp chart 7 days before the due date. I check temp at least 3, and often 4X per day, 7am, noon, 7pm, and just before I go to bed.

I always do ovulation timing so that I know for CERTAIN when the due date is. For me ovulation timing has even more to do with knowing the exact whelping date than it does with timing breeding and getting the b.itch in whelp. When I am certain about the whelping date, I can order a section if necessary without worrying whether the puppies are at full term or not.

I will not do ANY breeding without ovulation timing. I am a nervous wreck until whelping is over. I am very very close to my b.itches, and I spend nearly every minute with them from a week prior to whelping until 3 weeks after.

If this were my b.itch I would just have to know if there were puppies in her or not. I would not have a moment's peace until I did.

Continuing to wish you all good luck for a good outcome.
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I have done progesterone on many and I still get 3 breedings, each about 48hrs apart. Even when I do A.I. I do 2. So, That still leaves a 10-14 day window.

No most vet are not breeders. But, many do like learning about repro and are very, very good at it. They tend to write articles and texts that other vets have access to.

*I* am wanting to see if there are pups in there. I am ****** at my dad right now because he knew when she was due but, didn't bother to save enough money for the end of the month. (and I have been out of work for 6 months. Usually I'd just pay the bill myself but, I can't pay my rent right now! Luckily I go back Monday) He knows he should have saved money. He has had things go wrong so many times.

but, then again, an x-ray today or even tomorrow will not (likely) change what I do for her. I won't do a c-section until Monday unless she shows signs of distress first.

I wish now, that I'd bought my own stethoscope though! I have always used ones from work that are much better than what I could afford.

I have had experience. My "breeder brain" and my "Tech brain" have these arguments all the time. Like with the food...I was certain that, biologically, the hormones in the salmon could not possible be affecting our dogs. Such a tiny amount and then to be "active" after processing. My Tech brain could not believe it. My Breeder brain gobbled it right up! I should know better than to get anxious and talk to other breeders LOL.

Has anyone actually waited? If yes, how did it turn out? If not, what made you decided on c-section?
WOOHOO!!! 1 puppy....thriving and mom is well! She is going in today for an x-ray to ensure everything is out. She feels like there "may" be something still in there but, it could just be intestine lol. I would just go look at her but, meeting at the clinic s half way.

I am SO happy she is doing well so far.
Spent the majority of the day at the vet.

So....1:30am she had the one puppy. My dad called me at 8:20 am and I had him call the clinic. We went in right away. X-ray showed still there, kind of traffic jammed, 1 in each uterine horn. So, gave her oxytocin to see if we could get her contractions stronger. Nope, 40min later, another shot and better contractions. Discussed possibilities, decided on one more shot. She was having good, strong contractions but, i could not feel a puppy in the vulva (I don't like worrying mom by checking internally often). So, we decided at 11:30, it is time for c-section. Lift her up to the table to be put under and....she decides that pup needed to come out NOW.

All right then, labour seems to be back on. She is happy and totally unstressed. We decide to give her a little while to see if the next pup would follow. 40min later, nothing, one more oxy. Still nothing 30min later so, off we go again to put her under. This time we get her under and into surgery. Get her uterus out to take the pup is "weird" looking. Black spots in clusters in 2 spots, one place that looked like it had a small growth but, was oozing, green/black band around one horn in 2 places. So...we decide, we will spay her. Not sure what is going on with the uterus but, we will not risk her having another preg with what we saw. Get puppy out, no movement. Inside the sack is "smeared" all green and black in clots. Open up the sac and try to revive pup, nope. not happening. I worked on her for 30min. (boo hoo).

Not sure but, something happened to her uterus on that side. It could have been the pup, it could be something with her. It could be a number of things. I saved some biopsy slices of the "weird" uterine tissue and may send it out for histopath.

Stress full day, But, we all agree, we made no "wrong" decisions. Even had she been x-rayed at any point we would have had the exact same labour we did. The pup may have died a day or 2 ago, or it may have died hours before we opened her up. Mom was never in any distress and the 2 live pups were "likely" from the same horn. So, the decision to do surgery came down to a coin toss really. Not knowing if it was actually the oxy or just time that caused the second pup's birth and mom behaving the way she was, we simply picked the time that was most convenient for us all do do the surgery lol

Bottom line...Healthy, spayed mom, and 2 lovely girls babies.

Thanks again all!
Sorry it was rough, but congrats on the ones you do have!
Just a couple notes - if the pup died more than a day earlier, you'd know. That stuff gets nasty FAST! I only mention it because knowing that may help pinpoint cause of the issues, which may be important for other dogs in your kennel.
I totally agree with your decision not to breed her again, but you might want to look again at whether spay at time of C section is really best. To go from preg to no hormones so fast is really hard on a girl. I realize it means two surgeries, but it may be better overall to do that if you are in that situation again. Pros and cons to either side, just food for thought.
She had an oozing spot on her uterus. and there were parts that were possibly necrotic. Spay was best this time. I don't normally like to spay at c-section. If it s a "routine" c-section I would not. But, with a ruptured uterus (had that before).

Quite likely the pup died shortly while she was giving birth to one of the others. I do wonder if we could have saved it had we done the c-section the first time we planned. But, there is no way to know really. Once she was in labour made the decisions based on experience and science lol. I am glad we did it and got that pup out of there. About 22yrs ago we had a female give birth to a dead pup 48hrs after the rest of the litter. (and yes, it was gross). So, I am thinking she may have "eventually" expelled it but, the damage to her uterus would not have been detected. BTW....that female from 22yrs ago was spayed the next time she got bred because she developed a pyo 4 weeks after being

I am still debating sending the pieces of uterus out for histopath. It is likely the report will just come back "necrotic uterine tissue" but, where we send it the guy is awesome! He often includes a not on what he thinks we should look for as a cause if he finds nothing. He has helped us many times even when he finds nothing we didn't already know about the sample we send him.

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