Dogs are the worst predator, I swear Amazing update!

Yes, when I worked in state parks, I occasionally had to shoot dogs running deer. What dog packs do to deer is obscene. And these dogs all had warm homes and were well fed.

It's a people problem, all right.
I can't believe people who let their dogs run loose. My heart hurts for you. I would be crying a lot. Doesn't Colorado have a leash law. Even out here in the boonies we have a leash law. My neighbors have a Great Dane and 2 Bull Mastiffs. And the owner ( a woman) has absolutely NO control over them. When I first moved in here one of the BM'w walked right into my kitchen and tried to swipe my egg English muffin. Slobber all over the sandwich and my hand. That was the end of my breakfast and she didn't even apologize. I told her flat out that I was getting chickens and putting up an electric fence. Her husband was outside the next day building a big tall fence. They haven't been in my yard since. But we shouldn't have to put up electricity for dogs. People should love their dogs as much as we love our chickens and take care of them. I will keep you in my thoughts. :hit:hit:hugs:hugs
This happened to me on my birthday. Neighbor let his known bloodthirsty wolfdog(its killed countless neighboring animals/pets) out unsupervised and it killed my favorite chickens. The owner refused to acknowledge it or pay me. I've held a grudge against dogs ever since. I feel your pain, I am so sorry this happened to you :hit:hugsI'm sending you mental support and hugs!! Rest in peace to your beloved roosters.
@HuskerHens18 I hear you. It's natural to hate the thing that killed the little warm beings we loved. But it's not the dogs. It's the people who have them to satisfy a need to own something fierce and dangerous who coax pit bulls and rotweillers into being weapons in service to their insecurities.

Other people have the simple minded and misguided idea dogs are free spirits and it's cruel to confine them. In the parks, I was in constant battle with people like this. One time I was writing a ticket to a dog owner that had a dog who caused a horse rider on the beach near the ocean to be thrown. The other dog owners converged on me like a pack of wolves, yelling at me to quit persecuting a guy for loving his dog.

Another park, a raccoon problem developed from campers feeding the entertaining critters. They were attacking picnickers eating and breaking into tents to ransack for food. I ended up trapping and killing about sixteen raccoons including juveniles. Later I could be heard bemoaning that the park had a people problem, not a raccoon problem.

Dogs are happier and feel more secure when their owners protect them and establish boundaries and control. It's not the dogs of the world that do bad things. It's that we have far too many stupid humans.
So sorry for your loss! :hugs It’s never the breed or the dog to blame, it’s always the owners when you get to the root of the issue. Either not caring to train their dog, or taking on a dog that isn’t suited to their lifestyle or abilities. This is always a sad situation. You should look into what legal recourses are available to you to protect the rest of your flock in the future... hugs :hugs
I need hugs. :hit Two neighbor dogs killed my two roosters, the best roosters I've ever had. They were both perfectly behaved and the hens adored both.

The chickens were scratching around in the snow, something they usually refuse to do, and these two dogs swooped in on the chickens. The boys apparently did a good job of decoying the dogs so the hens were all spared, although it took me an hour to locate one hen who was hiding motionless in plain sight.

I don't hate all dogs, but I sure have no use for irresponsible dog owners who let their dogs run wild all over the mountain.
Another thing is that dogs just attack for fun. They don't eat them. They are just out of control. Rant over.
Awwww that's terrible..The people next to me have a young Dog that has zero training and it comes down to my Coop and charges at me. My two try to chase him off. I run right at him and have a rake at my Coop to throw at him. The idiot stands up in his yard and laughs. I yell out terrible things that I'll do to his dog on my property..:gig
We plan build a fence this summer to separate our properties and hope he pays or help?..:idunno
Awwww that's terrible..The people next to me have a young Dog that has zero training and it comes down to my Coop and charges at me. My two try to chase him off. I run right at him and have a rake at my Coop to throw at him. The idiot stands up in his yard and laughs. I yell out terrible things that I'll do to his dog on my property..:gig
We plan build a fence this summer to separate our properties and hope he pays or help?..:idunno
Ya gonna electrify it? I would. Highest voltage/amperage you can get. Zap them babies. Maybe they'll stay home. My other neighbors dog came around one day. I stared him down all the time walking towards him. I'm not a big woman but he got the message. Thank God I'm not afraid of dogs.
Ya gonna electrify it? I would. Highest voltage/amperage you can get. Zap them babies. Maybe they'll stay home. My other neighbors dog came around one day. I stared him down all the time walking towards him. I'm not a big woman but he got the message. Thank God I'm not afraid of dogs.
I'll put up field fence. I won't use electricity because I have two working dogs. I'm definitely not scared of this dog. He hightails it home when I get after him.

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