Dogs are the worst predator, I swear Amazing update!

Against all odds, my two roosters were waiting outside the run this morning when I went out to check on my chickens and feed them! Not a scratch on them. They don't even appear to have any frostbite from being outside in 15F temps.

This is a perfect example why I have posted replies on many threads on this forum about missing chickens after a predator attack not to give up on the chickens surviving even though they haven't turned up after many hours of searching. Which is what I did until sundown last night, slipping and sliding in the snow searching every nook and cranny on eight acres surrounding my dwellings.

They must have led those dogs a merry chase, probably double teaming them so the dogs couldn't focus on killing one of them. But where they managed to hole up after the attack is going to probably remain a mystery.

Here are the amazing miracle roos this morning in all their glory! View attachment 1680173
That really is an amazing update, congrats!
Against all odds, my two roosters were waiting outside the run this morning when I went out to check on my chickens and feed them! Not a scratch on them. They don't even appear to have any frostbite from being outside in 15F temps.... View attachment 1680173

Yay!.... but.... I gotta think something is rotten in Denmark....

This sounds like the dogs and the roosters were in cahoots... they all probably just wanted to go to town and watch hockey at the sports bar, so they staged the whole thing, met up later ... had a couple too many beers at the bar, got in a little dust up with a bachelor party of cats, and ended up spending the night in the clink, where it was nice and warm... thus no frost bite.

I'd check with the local authorities and see if there were any recent arrests matching your roosters descriptions... but in any case I'd keep an eye on those two to see what else they might be planning. ;)

(also I'm glad it turned out well, and hopefully the dog owners will take this issue a bit more seriously)
Against all odds, my two roosters were waiting outside the run this morning when I went out to check on my chickens and feed them! Not a scratch on them. They don't even appear to have any frostbite from being outside in 15F temps.

This is a perfect example why I have posted replies on many threads on this forum about missing chickens after a predator attack not to give up on the chickens surviving even though they haven't turned up after many hours of searching. Which is what I did until sundown last night, slipping and sliding in the snow searching every nook and cranny on eight acres surrounding my dwellings.

They must have led those dogs a merry chase, probably double teaming them so the dogs couldn't focus on killing one of them. But where they managed to hole up after the attack is going to probably remain a mystery.

Here are the amazing miracle roos this morning in all their glory! View attachment 1680173
:ya Good boys! Well done! :love So glad they turned up safe!
Awwww that's terrible..The people next to me have a young Dog that has zero training and it comes down to my Coop and charges at me. My two try to chase him off. I run right at him and have a rake at my Coop to throw at him. The idiot stands up in his yard and laughs. I yell out terrible things that I'll do to his dog on my property..:gig
We plan build a fence this summer to separate our properties and hope he pays or help?..:idunno
Go to the sporting goods store and get some skunk scent that hunters use to disguise their smell. Keep it near your coop, and give that dog a good shot in the face. His owner wont be laughing then, I guarantee
Against all odds, my two roosters were waiting outside the run this morning when I went out to check on my chickens and feed them! Not a scratch on them. They don't even appear to have any frostbite from being outside in 15F temps.

This is a perfect example why I have posted replies on many threads on this forum about missing chickens after a predator attack not to give up on the chickens surviving even though they haven't turned up after many hours of searching. Which is what I did until sundown last night, slipping and sliding in the snow searching every nook and cranny on eight acres surrounding my dwellings.

They must have led those dogs a merry chase, probably double teaming them so the dogs couldn't focus on killing one of them. But where they managed to hole up after the attack is going to probably remain a mystery.

Here are the amazing miracle roos this morning in all their glory! View attachment 1680173
Yay! So glad you got to keep your good roosters!
@aart These miracle roos survived the dog attack as well as being out in subfreezing temps all night. A true miracle.

I called the people with the naughty dogs, and she was screaming with joy when I told her the two roos survived. They have taken immediate steps to remedy the situation. One dog, the instigator is being taken to Denver as we speak, and the other dog will be gone in two weeks. Meanwhile, the dog won't be allowed out of the house except to go potty under close supervision. I did stress that she and I both could be grieving over dead pets right now. She agreed the universe did reverse a very bad event outcome.

But the flock is confined to their run for the next month until my nerves get back to normal.
Against all odds, my two roosters were waiting outside the run this morning when I went out to check on my chickens and feed them! Not a scratch on them. They don't even appear to have any frostbite from being outside in 15F temps.

This is a perfect example why I have posted replies on many threads on this forum about missing chickens after a predator attack not to give up on the chickens surviving even though they haven't turned up after many hours of searching. Which is what I did until sundown last night, slipping and sliding in the snow searching every nook and cranny on eight acres surrounding my dwellings.

They must have led those dogs a merry chase, probably double teaming them so the dogs couldn't focus on killing one of them. But where they managed to hole up after the attack is going to probably remain a mystery.

Here are the amazing miracle roos this morning in all their glory! View attachment 1680173
Do you think they lured the dogs away from your chickens thereby saving your chickens. Smart roos if they did.

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