So I said that to get your attention. I posted something about a week ago under an existing post but haven't gotten feedback.I have a barred rock going on her third winter. At first I thought this was just a hard molt(may be) but noticed that when she wanted to walk forward she went back until bumping into something while holding her head parallel to the ground. She is was practically naked, the temps are dropping and there has been a hawk hanging around. I have brought her to basement. The initial exam didn't show signs of mite or lice around vent, eyes, or feather shafts but I dusted her with Diatin Earth anyway along with her temp bed. I have treated her water with Wazen in case of worms. She is getting yogurt, tuna, apple, cabbage, and grains with oyster shell. I had read through several sites on symptoms/diseases and can not point to one thing in particular. The only common symptom I saw in any was nervous or un-thriftiness. Her poop is normal, no scaling or lesions on legs or skin, no swelling anywhere, no moisture under wings, no white on tongue, eyes seem normal, she is eating and feathers are starting to grow back but when she goes to walk she approaches things a little bit side step. I can't tell if she is still going backward being as to the small rehab area (refer box). I know I will think of more after I sign off but have to go to work. Will check for replies later. Any advice out there?