Dominique Thread!

Okay I think I know the answer but I'm going to ask anyways:

Six weeks old, roo or roo?


Lol, is that gray on the feet and legs?
I got three young Doms in September ....two of them had gray/black on their legs and one had yellow legs. The yellow legged one is now a man chicken and the other two are girls.

I'll keep him for a while longer but I would be shocked if he turned out to be a pullet. He's rocking some serious comb and wattles right now, haha.
A good Dominique rooster is hard to beat in appearance and character in my opinion. They aren't as aggressive as Leghorn types I've had, but look out for their hens very well.

Oh I agree and I'll find him a good home, I just can't have roosters where I am. I'll probably do another Dominique hatch next year, they're such friendly chicks.

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