Dominique Thread!

@Faraday40 What a vicious stare that Hawk of yours has! You said you had a 1" mesh to house your quails? When I read the "post your chicken coop pictures here" BYC thread the experienced owners of poultry said to have 1/2 inch hardware cloth to use as wire -- keeps out raccoon claws, snakes, etc, plus it's much sturdier than 1" wire. The 1/2 inch hardcloth is not cheap either but in the long run owners claim its saved their poultry. But then little quails are such easy targets just because of their diminutive size, poor babies! So sorry you lost some of them! Is the Hawk still hanging around? I'd love nothing better than to see your Hawk flying into a hardwire and knock itself out like one of our Hawk fledling did this last Spring! Hawks and Falcons are gorgeous birds but not when they're in my yard!




A picture of my Dana recuperating from the cut on her foot. Dana was my lightest color chick but at POL she looked the same as the other two Dom pullets. I took some pics of the paper tape before removing it. I love that paper tape, so pliable to wrap around the toes and durable to NOT unravel the way regular first aid or adhesive stretchy vet tapes do. OMG, I can't even get a band-aid to stick to my finger for more than an hour before it starts to unravel yet this paper tape stays put even with a chicken walking on it! Dana is going stir-crazy being in the house but I don't feel comfortable letting her outdoors until I feel she's 100% healed. She is so good about posing for pics or letting us handle her during first-aid. Such a people-friendly breed and chattering and vocalizing while picking at the feather in my hat or sitting down relaxed to look into my face and carry on her conversation with me. What I love about the looks of Dominique are their U-shaped back and spiked leader at the end of their rosecomb. Dana's comb is not as close to the skull like Jewlz' rosecomb but Dana has the nicer U-shape.




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Going to post some photos of my dom kids.

They'll be 11 weeks on Sunday. I had 3 cockerels. One was absolutely stunning...but a biter from very young. (Not pecking...biting.) Besides the fact that he was biting, I believed he was too beautiful to become soup without a chance to fully grow out.

I contacted the breeder - who shows and does very well (took best of breed at the state fair this year with one of her cock birds and also shows elsewhere) - to see if she wanted to take a look at him before I removed him. She did and bought him back. Said she hadn't seen such a comb in a couple of years. I hope he does well for her!

For me, I just need a flock rooster and I felt he would much more benefit her than me.

The other 2 cockerels don't compare at all at this age. We shall see how they grow out. One of them was a runt and I didn't get his photo. He was tiny and didn't grow at the same rate and I thought he may have some kind of issue. He's almost caught up now but....he has 2 leaders on his comb!!!! Looks like tiny little devil horns!!!!! Sigh.

Since I'm talking
about the cockerels in this post, I'll put photos of the boy I got photos of here.

Green Band Cockerel - almost 11 weeks

2018 8-24 10.5 week Dom green band boy.jpg

2018 8-24 10.5 week Dom green band boy 4.jpg
3 Pullets

No band:

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Red & Green Bands (I only got a poor one of this girl.)

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Red & Blue Bands. This girl has really long tail feathers. Will she grow into them?

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Your pullets have a lot more growing to do. One pullet could look promising and then turn out duddy while another pullet with uneven wattles will suddenly become a beauty when fully grown. They go through so many changes as juveniles to adults LOL! So fun watching these chatty friendly girls grow up!
@Chickassan LOVE THE WHISKERS on that Easter Egger LOL!

Taking my Dom "Dana" to the vet tomorrow -- looks like crusty Bumblefoot on BOTH feet! and I'm afraid to do any treatment by myself! The other Dom has nice clean bottom feet but Dana has TWO crusts! Been keeping both feet treated and taped with Triple Antibiotic Ointment to keep the crusts soft and give her a good foot soak before the vet appt tomorrow.

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