Dominique Thread!

i have 4 doms, they are 9 weeks old, how long till they start laying, im ready for some fresh egg.

I really like my 4 dom girls, they love when i bring them scraps from the garden, i have 4 barred plymouth rocks too, so im just now able to tell them apart.
I was going to take some pictures of my Dominiques today but when I went
out to the coop all I had was my phone and when I would get down to where I could
get a good shot of them they kept pecking at my phone like I had bought the some odd
sort of treat.
I also have some Dominique chicks that I hatched from a different flock of hens. I went to
Alabama and picked these hatching eggs up but again noone was really wanting to
pose for photos today.
You all have some nice looking Dominiques.
Now maybe I will stop selling and start getting some of these raised for myself instead of
for everyone else.
You sound like me. I have three Dominiques, two pullets and a cock. I also have two Barred Rocks. I got the two Rocks just in case I have to get rid of my little boy. I live in the city and all of my neighbors are fine with it except one, but I am just going to see how it pans out. So far, he has an attachment to me more than my girls. He is such a cute guy. I am going to post some pictures soon, they've grown up quite a bit. The Dominiques will be nine weeks on the 30th, and the Rocks will be six weeks. All have been outside for about four weeks and they are doing fantastic!

General Rudy
Lost his virginity yesterday!
Wow! Love all the pics, keep them coming!

I have 16 Dominiques, five of them love me, the rest hope I never come near them... But the five that love me are my buddies! They're so cute!
Our Monique is 17wks old today and our favorite of the batch of 6 mixed breeds we got from MPC this year. She is our first Dominique, and has always been so friendly. However, at about 8wks she developed the strange habit of biting our hand - not a peck, but an actual bite. She doesn't seem to do it in anger, more like she is playing - but it does hurt if she gets a good hold on the skin. We can't quite figure it out, nonve of our other chickens do this. Anyone else experience this?

Here she is at 16wks and we lover her, biting included:

I was doing a search on Dominiques and the Winkipedia had this to say about their temperament.

Dominique hens tend to be calm, personable birds (a desirable trait in an egg production bird). Their calm, steady demeanor makes them successful as show birds or family pets. However, Dominique roosters are said to be even more aggressive than the Rhode Island Red and is known to kill small cats, snakes, and even mink.

Geez. Would anyone like to comment on this?​
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