Dominique Thread!

Thread drift is just in the nature of interweb bulletin boards, it would be nice if one of the staff would periodically delete the posts irrelevant to the subject (like this one) but I guess they aren't being paid enough, that or they are just a bunch of slackers.

Just to stay on topic, here is a picture of one of my 17 week old cockerels. I brined before frying and it was too salty. Made me want to cry because it was otherwise perfect.

Thanks John.

This last production season I made several cohorts (incubator batches) of dominiques and dominique crosses as part to of two distinct projects. Based on appearance of one cross involving dominique hens x California grey roosters I have very strong reason to suspect the dominiques from one of my commercial hatchery lines is very heavily influenced by barred Plymouth rock. The number of hens used was only six and number of chicks reared was only 24 but ratio of single to rose comb was very close to 1 to 1 ratio. Crossed birds came in two morphs in respect barring, one with broad bars like a dominique and other with tight-narrow bars forming rings like with barred rocks. California greys are homozygous for single comb (recessive to rose) and barring pattern should approximate that of dominique other than contrast between light and dark barrs are not as pronounced as in domminiques. Has anyone else seen evidence of hatchery doms appearing to to throw offspring with non dominique traits? What would you do in respect to hatchery birds are from? No names used as hatcheries should have same rights as individuals breeders.

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