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So we are a first time chicken family. We just got our first flock of chicken's last Thursday and still can't figure out what we have. I ordered 10 (2 Ameraucana's, 2 Buff Silkies, 1 Rhode Island Red, 1 Silver Laced Wyandonette, 1 Barred Rock, 1 Buff Orp, and 1 Light Brahma) and we got 11. I'm pretty sure we know the buff orp (Gigi), light brahma (Hedwig), rhode island (Lucy), and both silkies (Fuzzy Pants & Fluffy Butt)but the majority I'm still clueless. I would appreciate any help from all you chicken experts out there. :) (fingers crossed our bonus is a hen but realistically we expect it to be a roo). The sooner I can determine a roo the easier it will be to prepare my kids for the fact that it won't be staying. Thanks for the help!

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Welcome to BYC and chickens! It's great to have you here. :) Your chicks are much to young to sex. The supposed Ameraucanas are actually EE, and if you were sent a bonus chick it is almost certainly male.
That one is definitely a cockerel. I get where you're coming from. Can you get more girls?
I'm sure I can. We live on 8 acres so plenty of room and in the middle of the country so no limit on birds besides my hubby pulling out his hair lol. I got these all for laying and so far I think I might have 2 pullets now out of 12 birds! I thought one of the FBCM I posted earlier was a pullet and I thought the splash was a pullet LOL I'm still new, these are my first birds so I will keep trying :D Just not sure what I'm going to do with 10 roos now!!! EEEK!
I'm sure I can. We live on 8 acres so plenty of room and in the middle of the country so no limit on birds besides my hubby pulling out his hair lol. I got these all for laying and so far I think I might have 2 pullets now out of 12 birds! I thought one of the FBCM I posted earlier was a pullet and I thought the splash was a pullet LOL I'm still new, these are my first birds so I will keep trying :D Just not sure what I'm going to do with 10 roos now!!! EEEK!

Sounds ideal for a bunch of chickens! Lol. Wow, that's a lot. Well, you can get a bunch of pullets/hens, out some in a bachelor pen, sell them, give them away, trade for hens or if you're up to it they could go to the freezer. My favorite is getting more hens, but you'd have to get a lot. :p

Any ideas on these EEs, these are better pics than yesterday, about 10-12 weeks
Hi everyone! I've got some silkies I'm hoping to get some educated guesses on gender wise. I know they're not the easiest to figure but I appreciate any ideas! There's four of them I got for a dollar each at the rural king near here. They're all the same age just over 3 months although one is extremely tiny and I have no clue why since they all started out the same size. None of them are developing any kind of wattles yet. And I really can't see any differences in thirty their combs yet either. It's definitely a tough one, lol. Anyway here's some pics of them, biggest to smallest and thanks for any help!




#4 again

#4 is the same size as one of my bantam chicks that were born about two weeks before I got the silkies. The other three silkies are right now about the same size as my 2 year old d'uccle,#1 is slightly bigger which would make me guess it to be a roo but seeing as how they're hatchery chicks and that oddball little one in there,I don't know about guessing them by size.
Again thanks for any help!
I ordered barred rocks, production blacks (California greys), and cuckoo maran pullets from ideal about 5 weeks ago. This one I believe is a maran, because of the dark color of the legs (the others have yellow legs). Am I correct?


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I would post again when she/he is around 8 weeks. he/she is very beautiful!!!
I was reading that Roos have 3 rows on their comb and a pulley only has 1 if this is true I'm guessing she's a he lol Bc if I can get a good picture of her comb I'll post it but there is definitely a defined 3 rows haha

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