Don't know what breed or gender you have? Click here!

I have 4 week old chicks. All were bought from Murray McMurray as girls and one Roo that I think died as a chick. There are a lot of large combs coming on my Wyandottes! Do I have Roos? I know the red one is a rooster. BO or NH? Several pics of the black one. Also one of my GLW.
I think 3 or 4 are roosters
View attachment 1039214 View attachment 1039214 View attachment 1039214 View attachment 1039216 I posted yesterday but I think it disappeared. Please forgive me if this is a repeat.

Can anyone identify this breed? It's larger than my other breeds that are the same age. (8 weeks) The color is about that of a buff Orpington. Thanks for your help!!

Buff Orpington mix

It isn't an Orpington mix. It's a Pioneer. A slower growing meat type. Unlike Cornish X they can have normal lives
Don't know the breed or gender of your chicks? Post here! I can help!

They're my sister's chickens. She's wondering breed and sex. Sorry they're not the best of pics :/ They're approx 14 weeks. I know the silkie hahaha


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The red and white one is a red sex link, which means the hens will be predominately red and the cockerels almost completely white :)
The second one look pullet-ish to me, but a full body picture and picture of her head would help confirm

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