Don't sick and/or get accident if you don't have money

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The founding fathers' ideas had been that we would not have a democracy. Because democracy ends up being mob rule.

They designed a republic in which a representative democracy would allow people a voice and a vote, but the balance against that democratic side would be the judiciary. It would represent the "voice" of the law and the voice of the law only. It was designed to prevent mob rule. The entire system was designed to be slow and ponderous and difficult ON PURPOSE!

That in part is because both the left and the right are often wrong.
Good rule exists in the tensions between the "sides".

Unfortunately right this minute we do not have that tension because the corporatists have won both sides and the middle. Many of our early great thinkers warned us about corporations and we failed to heed their advice.

Everything else - absolutely everything else is simply a diversion from addressing this erosion.....
What is it with this meme that America is not a democracy? I started noticing it everywhere during the midterm election cycle but I can't figure out who planted it. It's an odd one though.
For what its worth, I am from Germany and healthcare is terrible over there. It is government supported and it usually takes about 4 weeks to be able to get an MRI, 2 weeks to even get an X-ray after an injury. Has happened to me a lot. I almosty ended up in wheelchair because of the (lack of) treatment over there and was blessed enough to find a doctor in the US to help save my back. I love this country. Thank you America.
Ever since i can remember America was known as a republic or a Representative Democracy never just a Democracy.

Matthew, Google American democracy or democracy in America. It's a pretty standard term.
I wonder if this is a reincarnation from Pat Buchanan's book...

It's definitely jumped the shark, though. Wherever it came from.
There is no true democracy in the world. That idea is still thought of as crazy mob rule but no one really knows how it would actually work. The US government is called a democracy all the time but its not a true democracy. Its a democratically elected Representative republic. The closest thing to a democracy they were willing to try at the time. Even that was thought of as crazy back then. The term "the great experiment" has been used a lot.
Ever since i can remember America was known as a republic or a Representative Democracy never just a Democracy.

Matthew, Google American democracy or democracy in America. It's a pretty standard term.
I wonder if this is a reincarnation from Pat Buchanan's book...

It's definitely jumped the shark, though. Wherever it came from.

The easier question to ask would be "Where did this meme that America is a democracy come from?" If you look at early writings by our founders and even reporters and pundits of the time the US was never referred to as a democracy. It isn't until the turn of the Century that it starts showing up that way. The react that it is NOT a democracy is actually pretty important. We need to either change the meaning of the word democracy or get straight about what we are trying to export to other countries. If you leave out the balancing power of the judiciary what you get is not pretty.....
So what's wrong with pornography, so long as anyone in it is over 18 and acting of their own free will. As long as it's not openly displayed where someone may see it and get offended. Which vulnerable are you talking about? The elderly, children, poor? Lots of vulnerable people in this country.

Burning or disgracing the American flag sucks, so does that group that goes to funerals of service members and protests homosexuals, so does that wacko preacher that burned the Quoran, so does alleged news stations that lie on a regular basis. It's all covered under freedom of speech.

Unlike the amendment that mentions general welfare. General welfare is very vague and open to interpretation. Anyone over the age of 18 can figure that out. I use 18 because kids see everything in black and white. As you get older you realize it's mostly shades of grey. Just like a lot of the Constitution with the exception of specific procedures.

BTW 15% is not a large part of America. The last election cycle was just a prime example of what happens when people get complacent. 90% of the incumbents that lost their seats were in traditionally red areas. The only reason they got elected in the first place was because people in those areas would have elected Ronald McDonald to get rid of the incumbents they replaced. Eight years of Mr Smirky made people really desperate. Even in Red states.

Uh yeah. That's pretty rich coming from you. With the views you have stated about women before.

Like Patience said. What about men? The women that are in these movies usually are in it for the money. They could have other jobs but prefer to make the high dollars that a pro makes. If they are doing it involuntarily then I'd have a problem with it. If they're doing it because they want to then I don't see a problem. If you don't agree with porn then boycott it, don't watch it.
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