DON'T use Fabric Netting ! learn from my mistake !


6 Years
Jun 27, 2017
Metrowest- Massachusetts
My Coop
My Coop
I have Fabric netting over the top of my run.
This is what I have

During this winter the snow pulled some down and I had to make part of the run a bit shorter.

To do this I took some 2x4sq wire fence, 4' tall to close off that end but dropped the Fabric Netting down behind it (out of the run) to close off a few small exit points. With 2 feet of snow I didn't have a ton of choices, but could have figured it out better (hind sight).

I thought I would be able to keep this till I could get some Spring weather and redo the whole run and BUY the small hole Plastic Bird netting.


One of my white hens SQUEEZED through that hole and got stuck in the netting.

Because it is larger holed Fabric it got tight around her neck and around her feet and other feathers.

I had looked out at them about an hour before and saw the "white" part but thought it was still a small pile of snow left.

I looked again just a few minutes ago and realized that it was my HEN !

I ran out. slowly approached her so she would not freak out.
I had to bite the netting to get it off because I didn't grab scissors and I didn't want to leave and come back and her move anymore.

It was wrapped on her neck and it is hard to see under the feathers.

THANKFULLY she is a quiet hen and sat patiently. But I almost had another bossy hen get stuck while I was trying to get the 1st out.

They can also get caught in this net if they fly up into it.

Adding pic if you can see it in the snow.
Left side of pic, where the Carport frame ends.

This is what happened with the snow pulling it down
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I will say DON'T use this kind as it is a TOTAL death trap..
It is sold as bird netting... and catch birds it does! :hmm

As smaller pieces get torn off or damaged... the stupid netting gets caught around toes, legs, necks... whatever. And worse, the thought they may try to ingest some. I'm always picking up little pieces around my pasture. :barnie

MAYBE if you can have it secured where the birds will never come in contact with it.

ETA: I upgraded to chicken wire which works WELL and no death trap to chicks or hens/roosters.
MAYBE if you can have it secured where the birds will never come in contact with it.
Like 8 feet high for a cover. But Ultraviolet light will eventually sun rot it and like you said, picking up pieces all over. Most all plastics break down eventually. Some grades faster that others. Some years, some weeks. Depending on solar and extreme weather exposure. Here in Florida, a five gallon bucket will last 5+ yrs in my barn. But last 5 months out in the sun.
True, all plastic will degrade and Wire is better. But some can't afford that much Wire.
Like with all, you need to check it and make sure it is in tact, replace when getting degraded. netting AND wire
That Green netting is the really really thin stuff. I used to have some that is thicker

I will be putting tarps on the carport frame and then the netting for just over-head from carport to new fence being built along the driveway section (far left of pic where kids play house is.
But some can't afford that much Wire.
Yes, I'm not the one who will be able to spend tons of dough... it's a process of working towards our goals. :)

I used that green netting to cover the large holes in my stock yard fencing... thinking it would keep chicks on their side and other chickens as well. It was just meant as hawk cover, but never got used as it's extremely difficult to get to stretch the same amount evenly. But even when brand new and secured... the chicks or someone who wanted to wander.. would squeeze "through", but never make it to the other side and just be stuck between the wire fence and the netting... which isn't super easy to rip if it doesn't already have damage.

Either way... I did get to share my fail... and concern with it. :thumbsup
I definitely agree that you don't want this netting where a chicken might contact it! Thank you for that caution!

But aviary netting is exactly what I use as a roof over the chicken garden; indeed it's very cost effective and it's a perfectly adequate solution for a roof (i.e. where chickens can't touch it).

I would recommend aviary netting very strongly over deer netting as a roof, however. The deer netting is VERY fragile and dangerous to birds if they contact it; especially small birds. It would disintegrate in no time if it was strung up as a roof, and when it disintegrates it creates a dangerous mess.

If you use aviary netting as a roof definitely make sure it is adequately supported in snow load. I weaved galvanized electric fence wire through the holes on the net's perimeter and ran that wire through eye screws driven into the support posts. Next I strung a weave of nylon mason's line through the eye screws to create a supporting mesh under the aviary netting. Lastly after every snow storm, if any snow accumulated on the net, I had to knock it off with a broom.

We probably got about 8 feet of snow over the winter and about four ice storms. The aviary netting over the garden weathered it all perfectly, although it did require manual snow clearing on a few occasions. The only way I can see to getting away from the manually clearing the snow is to put a rigid roof up. Obviously not a trivial matter...
Glad your chickens are okay after all that! And now I can see how heavy snow can be a massive issue with netting on runs. Unfortunately chickens find ways to get themselves in trouble no matter what!

I have heavy duty aviary netting on my run but it's trimmed all the way around so it only overlaps the edges by 9". I still feel safer with the netting on top than nothing, since we already know that hawks are an issue.

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