Don't Wait! Start Extra Today. 4th Month Day 3

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My sister is the same way. She loves to live in this fantasy world where the cow fairy just magically waves a wand or something and the meat just appears on those little pink squares in the grocery store overnight !! I bet if you didn't eat for a week you'd not be so selective on which freezer that chicken came from :)

It's an emotional bond, many people get that way, especially if you raised it, you KNOW it's going to die, you KNOW it's being raised for dinner but when the day comes, ooh I can't. I am told that if you kiss the chicken on the lips and say good bye honey, they forgive you and all is well! Should try it maybe?

Now that's an idea, a chicken kissing contest, first place, a case of Salmonella all to yourself!

Meryl Streep Eye Roll GIF

I do not raise my birds for meat. I raise them for eggs and for yard art/eye candy. If I was raising a bird specifically to eat it, it would be different. I spend time with them and the breeders have names and history because of their parents and grandparents. Even the young birds develop their own quirks and personalities. If I was raising them for meat I wouldn't spend any time with them. I'd dump food in there and wait until it was time to butcher them and have someone else do it, because I quite frankly have no desire to spend time slaughtering, scalding, plucking, etc.

I am very aware of where meat comes from. That doesn't mean I'm outside doing this to the trees in my yard....
pentagon GIF

That being said my grandmother and I agree on one thing. So long as I can go to the store and buy a bird, I'm not cleaning one. I've never seen her more furious than when she came home to three partially cleaned cockerels in her kitchen because my grandfather decided he wanted to try his hand at butchering. She told him to enjoy cleaning up his mess and cooking them. Because she'd have a sandwich.
My mother-in-law is the same way.
Our relatives think we're monsters. I love raising our own meat though, the chickens live very nice lives and are loved...then they have just one bad day.

I only get attached to a select few animals on the farm, even those animals are fit for the table. I will not waste them.
Starvation is a very powerful motivator. I would be willing to wager that many people, if they had no other choice, eventually after a week of no 'Here ill do it all FOR YOU' the grocery stores provide, would learn very quickly how to process their own food. If not, well, society will be better off with fewer people to have to be taken care of.

I still don't get people's attachment to Dogs. What's so special about them? It's just another animal. WHY can't we eat them? As a society that pretends it's civil or something, we will KILL tens of thousands of them every year in pounds, just jab em and throw them into the trash essentially, yet at the same time, will also let thousands of people starve, who would have NO problem eating 'those' animals. So it's Morally acceptable to kill and dumpster it, but NOT morally acceptable to kill and FEED someone so that loss of life had some actual meaning to it?

I understand NO you don't want to kill your pet and eat it, but if it's being raised TO eat, well...

EVERY single person who wants to eat ANY form of meat, should have to butcher at least one type of animal, to learn and APPRECIATE where it came from and what it takes.

PETA. People Eat Tasty Animals. We didn't get to the top of the food chain by accident.

Starvation is a very powerful motivator. I would be willing to wager that many people, if they had no other choice, eventually after a week of no 'Here ill do it all FOR YOU' the grocery stores provide, would learn very quickly how to process their own food. If not, well, society will be better off with fewer people to have to be taken care of.

I still don't get people's attachment to Dogs. What's so special about them? It's just another animal. WHY can't we eat them? As a society that pretends it's civil or something, we will KILL tens of thousands of them every year in pounds, just jab em and throw them into the trash essentially, yet at the same time, will also let thousands of people starve, who would have NO problem eating 'those' animals. So it's Morally acceptable to kill and dumpster it, but NOT morally acceptable to kill and FEED someone so that loss of life had some actual meaning to it?

I understand NO you don't want to kill your pet and eat it, but if it's being raised TO eat, well...

EVERY single person who wants to eat ANY form of meat, should have to butcher at least one type of animal, to learn and APPRECIATE where it came from and what it takes.

PETA. People Eat Tasty Animals. We didn't get to the top of the food chain by accident.

I'm fattening the faker up to BBQ him.

The skin, when properly baked and crispy, is my favorite part. Definitely couldn't skin them. It would break my heart. 💔
We bought a professional grade scalder and plucker... Makes the process much faster and efficient.
Me now, the skin, i can take it or leave it. But yes, know many people who that is the favorite part. I was looking into the commercial spinny rubber fingery chicken lickin spin and flick em things but omg the price of them now, holy crap ! I was shown how to clean a clucker and how to skin it and peel, which is a LOT easier and faster.

Professional scalder? May I ask what kind? Sounds interesting, and something I may be interested in.
Thank you
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