Jun 9, 2020 #1 chickenwoman1405 Chirping Jun 3, 2020 45 73 79 Pennsylvania Here is a picture of my chicken Doodle Doo could anyone tell if it's a rooster or hen or how old it could be I'm guessing a month or so Attachments IMG_20200609_194241.jpg 707.1 KB · Views: 31
Here is a picture of my chicken Doodle Doo could anyone tell if it's a rooster or hen or how old it could be I'm guessing a month or so
Jun 9, 2020 #2 PioneerChicks Naturalist 5 Years Sep 4, 2019 4,168 16,357 852 Idaho My Coop My Coop That does look like a very red comb, but wait for some experts to come take a look. Good luck!