

10 Years
Sep 13, 2009
Isle of Wight
Doogie my call duck is in the vet with a temperature. She is having an x-ray taken. The vet thinks there may be some shell stuck inside her. If there is and he can't get it out he said it might be best to put her to sleep. Can anyone please give me any advice? This morning she was sluggish for a little bit, then perked up and had a bit of a romp and a dig. Yesterday she was happy all day except for a couple of sluggish hours in the afternoon. My heart says if he wants to put her to sleep, to bring her home while she still has happy times. Please please could you give me any advice and all the prayers you can spare.
She is just gorgeous....and I miss seeing all the photos of ducks in the snow since it is warming up over there now. I too have a duck at the vet at the moment. Hes a three day old Indian Runner who hatch with a leg problem...Sure is worrying to have them away from home isnt it???? I hope all goes well and her temperature is brought back down - and she is soon home again fit and well. I respect your desire to bring her home to live out her days- if that is what happens.. as long as they dont suffer- Im sure it would be much more dignified a way to go - at home where they are comfortable rather than in a cold vet clininc with none of their duckie friends around them''.

Best wishes for Doogies speedie recovery.
Thank you duckyfromoz, your support really helps. I hope your little person's legs get better and he comes home soon.
Doog was still eating lots this morning so I think, while she is eating and enjoying her food I will bring her home and give her a mountain of peas.
I'm still waiting for news from the vet. It is killing me.
AAWWEE you made me cry reading this... You called him my little person... They really are like kids to me... even though I do sell most of them. Ducks are such a large part of my life...Only my daughter is more important to me. My vet is just wonderful - and she knows I have what it takes to care for special needs duckies. She saved the life of a duck I saw at a market years ago...she knew how I bought him just to try to save- and even though she trie to keep costs down- the bill topped $1000 He had three operations when the infected abcess was re-occuring on his face. It was a condition she thought was always fatal- but together we pulled him through. She always tells me there is still hope even when I think there is no possible future and I have tried my best- Thas why my Flippy duck is still alive- and why Jayden future is now in her hands.

The fact that she is eating and drinking is a very good sign. I have never lost a duck to an early death if they were still eating and drinking. I hope they call you soon.... And with good news too.
Vet has called. The x-ray showed shell stuck very high up. He has given her some medicine to help push it out and anitbiotics. He said I can come in and get Doog at 3pm and that Doog will need another antibiotics shot on Friday. That is good news right? He thinks she will make it to Friday?
They really are little people arent they. I love them so, so much. I work from home and take it out to do in the garden everyday to be with them. When it thunderstorms they get scared so I put on my waterproofs and sit out in the storm with them while they huddle up to me. They are the most wonderful little people.
Thank you for cryin for my Doog, I've been weeping all morning!
Good for you and little Flippy, I bet Flippy is a little angel.

Great news....If he thought she wasnt going to pull through- Im sure he wouldnt suggest you take her home.... I can just imagine you by 2.45 pm today. It must be such a relief to know that she has a great chance to beat this problem. My thought and hopes for a speedy recovery are with you both.

You are so lucky to work from home. If I ever tried that..Im sure I would never get anything done...I would be forever just watching the ducks. I actually love summer and having weeds growing in the lawn..I spend hours hand picking the weeds ( as I dont want to spray chemicals around where the ducks live ) I just love being out there with them too. Last New Years Eve here was a very stormy night. I made sure I left the party I was at in time to get home before the fireworks. I went straight outside to be with them - the rain started again...and so did the lightning and thunder...then came the fireworks. They were quite upset- I was drenched...But I would do it every night for them if I had to.
If I were you i would also do some work at home , warm water soaks , mineral oil enema (in her vent) , and keep her in a dark warm area to keep her body form continuing to produce eggs.... Good luck
Havent heard from u for so long... and NOW to hear this it just SUCKS !!!!
where is the shell
stuck anyway...??? I feel like I know Doogie and she looks just like my Omlet.
Im at work
and crying . hope no-one comes in right now... I will be thinkin bout you all day and Ill keep
looking for any updates....
Im prayin for Doogie !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you guys,
She is sittin in the waterbowl splooshin everything. She has stuffed herself silly on layers pellets and peas and is very active and quacky although just a little bit spaced from the anaesthetic. Rory and Mr Snoogles are pleased to see her too. She's been given oxytocin to help the shell out and we have baytril to give her twice a day. She has an appointment for friday for another anitbiotic shot.
She is poopin very white poop, I don't know what that means but I hope it is good. She just needs to push that shell out now. I've been told olive oil on bread will help but she won't eat bread, do you think olive oil mixed on peas will help?
Thank you for caring so much guys, she is so little but she means so much to me.

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