Doomed hatch?


Sep 17, 2019
Shuswap, British Columbia
I’ve had this egg sitting under a broody hen for 23 days. Its always had a weird air cell that now takes up half the egg. Whatever is inside it is alive. My gut tells me it needs help. I am terrified to help at the same time. Please tell me what to do! I believe it has internally pipped though I hear zero sound from inside the egg so i’m not convinced. Please don’t tell me to post in the other thread I have tried! Time is running out!


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Personally, I would let nature take its course. I never candle eggs under a broody hen. For that matter, I don't do anything with a broody hen except to count chicks after it is over and she leaves the nest with them. If you only have one egg and it doesn't hatch, that could be a problem for the hen and you may want to be ready to give her a chick or two.
Personally, I would let nature take its course. I never candle eggs under a broody hen. For that matter, I don't do anything with a broody hen except to count chicks after it is over and she leaves the nest with them. If you only have one egg and it doesn't hatch, that could be a problem for the hen and you may want to be ready to give her a chick or two.
She abandoned this egg. My husband went out this morning and it was cold. She’s been spending more and more time off the nest.
Then the egg is likely done. She has probably sensed that the embryo failed to survive. Sorry.
At least now you don't have to break her broodiness.
Then the egg is likely done. She has probably sensed that the embryo failed to survive. Sorry.
At least now you don't have to break her broodiness.
Its alive. 3rd sentence in my original post. I just looked in the last couple of minutes. Its trying like crazy to get through the internal membrane. A lot more active now that its been warmed up.
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Well I made a tiny pin hole in the air sac and left it cradled in a towel on top of the heat pad with a humidifier going. My hen has been out all day so I doubt I can convince her to go back but if it pips I might try and put it back. I have 3 day old chicks in the house already so adding one more won’t make a difference. I’ll keep this updated for poor people having the same problem that come across it in a search one day.
Sorry to hear your hen abandoned, but sounds like you’ve done the right thing. I did read a thread on assisting a hatch, but don’t know if I will be able to find it now. There was something about keeping the membrane moist if it dries up I think, but I haven’t hatched before, so this probably isn’t much help. I’ve got eggs under a broody too, so would be interested to hear how your egg turns out. Really hoping for a successful hatch for you!
I don’t know how to share the link, but if you go to the ‘incubating and hatching eggs’ chat feed, then there is a thread under stickies near the top called ‘important topic index’ - there are links to helpful threads for certain topics that might help 🙂
I don’t know how to share the link, but if you go to the ‘incubating and hatching eggs’ chat feed, then there is a thread under stickies near the top called ‘important topic index’ - there are links to helpful threads for certain topics that might help 🙂
Thank you! I have read the assisting hatch a few times now so I am as prepared as I can be. I was really worried the poor thing was running out of air as I could see an internal pip in two places for over 24 hours so I went ahead and made the pinhole. I’ll check out the important topics!
Sounds like you are probably up to speed then, so hoping for the best!
Did you happen to have a humidifier at home? I’m a week away from expected hatch date and don’t have anything to assist if needed (no incubator anyway). Our broody is a Silkie and seems very committed at the moment though, so hoping she stays doing her thing.

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