Dorking Chickens - Establishing A Flock


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 16, 2014
I will be establishing a small flock and working to increase to a large breeding flock of these ancient birds. I would love to hear from others who have been keeping them as a backyard breeding flock.
I just started my own flock. I have all buff Orpingtons. I bought 12 pullets and got a rooster. So, I decided to keep him, and next year I want to add some lavender orps. We'll see how it goes.
My pullets are only 5 weeks right now. I think I'm going to stick with the Orpingtons though, and focus mostly on color. I have seen some beautiful crosses between the buffs and lavender, but I also think the black and blue are pretty also. I got my chicks at a feed store. However, I doubt I will do it again. All my chicks are really healthy, and I haven't had any problems. Still I am going to try to get any new chicks from individuals who have practiced selective breeding. I feel like I got lucky getting good healthy birds this time. Any other suggestions or information is welcome.

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