Double yokers... what can I do?


Nov 27, 2017
Argyle, Manitoba Canada

0ne of my girls has been laying double yokers consistently... it’s either a buff orp, RIR or australorp...

They are bout 2-3 years old.. anything I can do to change this? Could she be lacking something... I’m worried she will be more susceptible to becoming egg bound and I have already lost 1 to that last year :(

I’m getting a double yokers every 2 days!

Egg next to a large avocado
There isn't anything you can do about it. It is something that the hen and her body will have to figure out.
However, double yolk eggs are usually more prevalent in heavier breeds. It can also be hereditary, so it may be in that hen's genetics to lay more double yolkers.
All this means is that she will run out of eggs sooner in her lifetime, so she will eventually run dry.
One of my Isa Browns is a double yolk layer. She gifted me with one yesterday, two weeks ago, and the end of Dec. I have only had her since the end of October. So, I am not sure if she layed jumbo eggs before.

When I first saw the avocado (before clicking on the pic), I wondered what type of chicken layed that dark green egg! :eek::gig
One of my Isa Browns is a double yolk layer. She gifted me with one yesterday, two weeks ago, and the end of Dec. I have only had her since the end of October. So, I am not sure if she layed jumbo eggs before.

When I first saw the avocado (before clicking on the pic), I wondered what type of chicken layed that dark green egg! :eek::gig
One of my Isa Browns is a double yolk layer. She gifted me with one yesterday, two weeks ago, and the end of Dec. I have only had her since the end of October. So, I am not sure if she layed jumbo eggs before.

When I first saw the avocado (before clicking on the pic), I wondered what type of chicken layed that dark green egg! :eek::gig

Hahaha!! Me too! I was thinking “holy cow, what happened to that egg??!!”
I had an ISA brown that would lay double yolk eggs every other day. She would lay a double yolk, then she would skip a day, and the she would lay a double yolk again. She did that for 6 months before she stopped laying. She had alot of issues with laying soft eggs and them breaking in her. The other 3 ISA I had were good normal layers.
I asked myself the same thing lol..i wanted an egg of that color :lol:
One of my Isa Browns is a double yolk layer. She gifted me with one yesterday, two weeks ago, and the end of Dec. I have only had her since the end of October. So, I am not sure if she layed jumbo eggs before.

When I first saw the avocado (before clicking on the pic), I wondered what type of chicken layed that dark green egg! :eek::gig

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