Double Yolk Advice

Hens Solo

Nov 6, 2019
LaFayette Georgia
I know many of you chicken experts aren't too keen on this but .... The person who has been given me free fertilized eggs just gave me a few dozen "double yolkers." He wants me to experiment and see if I can get twins from a single egg. Does anyone on this forum have any thoughts on this? I've heard of people assisting with pipping on the opposite end of the egg if one is obviously viable and pips on day 20 or 21.
I accidentally put in a double yolker and I regret doing it. Both of them died. It's pretty rare that both survive. Assisting chicks too early will mean they haven't absorbed the yolk, which is not a good thing.

Usually twins can't pip on their own...
Don't do it you simply can not hatch twins. It at best is a cruel experiment they simply will not survive
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There have been a few successful twin hatches documented in this forum, both ducks and chickens. I have followed every one I noticed. Not many resulted in live twins. Some had one survivor, most had both die. Many died during or just before hatching and it was heartbreaking for the person.
There were naysayers who criticized their experiment, but also many supporters who cheered them on. I'll be following and hope you have success should you choose to go ahead.
These are cull eggs from a local cornish cross breeder, so about half of them won"t be fertile anyway. Some of the oversize eggs might not be double yolkers, but the original owner says that they probably are since they failed an automated sorting service. I'm just anxious to try hatching eggs and these are the only ones I can get. My original batch of 15 eggs went to day 23 and I was going to throw them out. But due to the encouragement here I managed to hatch 13! 10 are still thriving @ 12 ounces each at 2 weeks!
My first time incubating i had a extra large egg. I argued with my husband who thought that there could be 2 chicks in it. I said impossible! No way! Not enough room in that egg! I was wrong they hatched out on their own i missed the whole thing. I kept counting those chicks and I gave my husband a hard time thinking he snuck another chick in to trick me. :gig

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