Double Yolk, One Fertile ; Can it Hatch?


Apr 12, 2021
I have a double yolk on day 9 of incubation. Only one developing embryo. How does this scenario play out? If the chick does manage to hatch should I expect a mess from an unabsorbed yolk?
From my understanding, the chick is in the eggwhite, and the yolk is the the energy/nutrients supply. Having a yolk that is detached would likely result in a partially formed chick that's not able to use the extra yolk. I would not expect this to be a successful hatch.

However, are you sure that you aren't just seeing 1 yolk + 1 developing embryo?
However, are you sure that you aren't just seeing 1 yolk + 1 developing embryo?
Positive. Candled before setting.
Harder to distinguish 9 days in, but the dark area at the bottom is the 2nd yolk.

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