double yolker wtih only one chick in it (with pics)


7 Years
Dec 2, 2012
Winton, California
One of my brown leghorn hens laid a double yolker. So i put it in the refrig-ibator that i made. At day 10 when i candled i could see there was only one chick growning. So i expected the little guy to hatch and there be one intact yolk, but I was wrong. This little guy had absorbed both yolk sacs!! his abdomen was so big i had to help him kick out of the shell. he looked and felt like a little water ballon. It was pretty fun to see.

Has anyone else had this happen?

Wow! Is he alright?!
he tried really hard to live. but his right leg never would straighten out. It stayed all curled up and way forward. He ate and drank for the first 3 days from milk caps i would set next to him. but eventually the leg got worse and he died.

On a more positive note. One of his hatch-mates also has a leg issue but has learned to stand and hop on one leg around the box and eat and drink normal. Seeing one thriving with problems makes it worth it to try to let them survive.

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