Doughnuts anyone?

Me too! Of course, if I tear one or squish one in preparation, well, I can't serve that to another person, and I won't throw away food, so there is really only one thing to do with it...
Thanks! I'll have to try those. They look YUMMY!

I was wondering what I was going to do now that its getting too hot to bake cakes from scratch with our girls eggs. My chiropractor said I look like I gained weight since she saw me 6 weeks ago. Oops...I wonder why?!?

- your timing is perfect. We were watching the "Food Channel" - the only channel to watch in my opinion - anyway, there is a show called "The Best Thing I Ever Ate". All the top Chefs talking about the best food. There was a piece on Maple/Bacon Doughnuts that you can get in San Francisco. Talk about eating all the wrong things in one little package - guanarteed to make you gain weight!!
. So I looked yesterday for a recipe and its a basic raised doughnut with diced cooked bacon, Gala apples diced and cooked in bacon grease folded into the dough then dipped in maple glaze with bacon sprinkled on top of that. Here is a link:

So thinking that I will try your recipe this weekend and see what I get.

I am doing low carb but I still make things for the other people who live with me. LOL>>

LOL! I thought so too - until I found a doughnut recipe exactly like the handmade ones that we used to get as kids on the boardwalk at the beach. They were absolutely fabulous - raised yeast doughnuts fried with a vanilla glaze. They were SO incredibly yummy. I only made them once. ONCE. I will not make them again because my willpower- and DH's willpower is not strong enough for these (we also both have wheat intolerances). I make cookies and cakes and stuff for my children all the time and resist, but cannot make these again because they were not able to be resisted. DH and I were violently ill the next day -- when you stop carbs and sugar and then have something like this....well..not good. I still hold them as the "benchmark" for the most amazing thing we ever made - but alas; can't do it again!

If you made doughnuts and resisted, you're amazing!

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