Down to one duck


In the Brooder
5 Years
Feb 7, 2014
So the short story is that a neighbors dog attacked during the day when no one was home, past their electric underground fence under a wood fence then jumped over the 2 foot fence that keep the ducks in. Killed 3 of the ducks and left one injured. It has been two weeks now and the injured one is doing ok. lived in the tub for 3 days then in a stock tank inside the house to be warm. still injured but she has been cleaning the wound and has now had 2 full baths. She will only now eat worms and crickets. I give her the dry duck food i get from the co op that she has been eating for 3-4 years now but she will not touch it. She plays in the small amount of water and drinks as well. she is a Peking duck just under 4 years old

1. Any ideas on how much dried mealworm or live crickets or live earth worms she should be eating a day?
3. Do ducks get depression? or lonely? how can you tell?
2. How can i introduce her to new ducklings in a few months?
Sad for your loss.

See if you can give her a bath daily, it helps in so many ways.

I am not entirely sure of how much animal product would be right, seems that if she's eating, then for now, give her what she will eat. On the other hand, a diet very high in protein for too long is problematic - but I think you know that.

Have you tried peas, or shredded lettuce in water? Many ducks really like that. Sprouted wheat is often eaten with enthusiasm.

Ducks can become traumatized, lonely and depressed. An unbreakable mirror and stuffed toy sometimes help.

With introductions, it is usually best to introduce similar sized ducks - so the ducklings would need to be at least close to adult size. They can be allowed to meet with a temporary fence between them at first, and if that goes well, short supervised time together until you are certain there will be no problems. Some ducks have a maternal instinct, others do not, and will be aggressive toward ducklings. We have no way to know ahead of time.
ShadowQuackers!. Sorry for your loss

You have received sage advice from Amiga, a respected and revered duck forum contributor and mentor.

I was once down to one duck and though not injured he became lonely in a hurry and I feel mourned the loss of his other two companions. I was able to get a temporary adult companion for him which he immediately accepted and it truly brightened up his existence. He eventually accepted and received a totally new flock of 5 females but it did take some dedication and work to introduce a flock of newbies, especially since they came to me as day old ducklings. My prayers are with you as you continue to nurse your duck and find her companionship.
Well at first with the worms and crickets it was because they moved so I think instincts took over and kind of made her eat.
It worries me that she will not eat her normal dry duck food. I even tried making mush with it and she has no interest in it. I tried giving her tomatoes, peas, and lettuce. No interest in anyof it. I will try the watered shredded lettuce.

I was planning on letting her have a bath every other day but we lost power at the house on Wednesday and are still with out power now. When we get power again she will be able to get a bath.

I heard that apple cider vinegar will help injured ducks. Should I put a little in her bath water?

Oh and I cant take her to the vet because there is not one in the area. I've called multiple places and no one will see her.

Thanks for the tips
If she is depressed, recovering from trauma, her appetite is likely to be different. I would feed her what she will eat. Try soaking a little plain oatmeal in water and see if she will take that.

Yes, try ACV in her swim water and a little in her drinking water.

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