Downsizing my flock many diferent breeds for sale in SoCal


10 Years
May 14, 2011
Fallbrook CA
I am downsizing my flock and trying to focus on Cochins and Marans. I have hens of laying age (about a year): some buff orpingtons, barred rocks, a white crested black polish, and ee cross. I also have younger birds not quite of laying age(about 2 to 3 months): A buff orpington, barred rock, light brahmas, and some white silkies. Also available are some lavender orpington and some ee/oe cockerels.There are also some marans and cochin mixed chicks, being raised by some broody hens I had, that will be available soon. The laying hens are $20, the two-three month olds are $10, cockerels are free. I will be willing to work out a deal if you take multiples and/or a cockerel. I live in Fallbrook CA near the San Diego and LA area.
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Unfortunantly no
do you have any pullets or hens that lay blue eggs? dark brown? we are looking to add colors to our egg basket. right now we 3 that lay light brown 2 that lay white 1 that lays blue and 1 pink. any interesting egg colors?
The only bantams I have are silkies and I only have one left and its white. I don't know its gender though, silkies are really hard to tell and its still young. I'm not selling any of my colorful egg layers right now(except some oliver/ee roosters I have) but have an incubator full of marans eggs due to hatch mothers day if anyone is interested in chicks.
Hi, I'm looking for a Buff Orphington rooster.
I live in Valley Center, do you have one or know where I can find one?


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