Drainage from nose HELP


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 15, 2011
So today I picked up 2 buff orpington pullets about 8-9weeks old and one had a bit of dried drainage from her nose the person I got her from said it was poop. When I got her home she sounds a bit raspy I am worried. I am going to keep these birds from my main flock. Any suggestions on what to do and how long to segregate them.
Aloha. YES. Separate her immediately. Keep her comfortable and away from drafts with plenty of water and feed. You have two options here. You can give her a natural antibiotic called Silver available at any health food store. It is inexpensive. Give her a dropperful twice a day. Or you can get a broad-spectrum tetracycline from any feed store. It is inexpensive and keeps forever. But when you make a batch (the smallest batch I've been able to make is 1 gallon which is 2 and 1/2 teaspoons to a gallon of water) it is only good for 24 hours. So be sure and whip up a fresh batch each day. If she is eating and drinking, replace her water with the tetracycline solution. If she is too sick to drink, gently administer a dropperful a couple times a day. She should show improvement in just a day or so. Use either medicine for a week.

Now...you should also dose the other pullet. You can keep the two together if both are being treated. If you have released either of them into your flock, dose EVERYONE. But it sounds like you were smart and kept them separate. Keep everything clean and be patient. Both will pull through. Do not buy from that person again. It was probably only ignorance, but you want to purchase from knowledgable folks. I would definitely let the seller know it is not dried poop. S/he may be unaware.

Sounds like you are really on top of things. All should be fine in about a week. Do NOT stop just because your baby perks up. Go a week. j mccabe
so I called the seller and told her what was going on and she brought me 2 different Buff Orps and she gave me a austra lorp for free. I went and got the tetracycline and mixed it up and I will treat the 3 of them for a week just in case. I did not expose my original flock so I will be keeping the separated for a couple weeks. Thanks for the advice I really appreciate it.

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