Drake and ducklings


May 25, 2022
Good morning.
My Muscovy hen hatched 14 ducklings almost 2 weeks ago (thanks for advice guys :) ) She has not been in Duck house since and seems happy with her brood under the bushes and behind the shed at night. They are thriving and growing by the day. I have kept the drake separate but he seems really lonely (unfortunately I only have the 2 ducks) Obviously he is desperate to mate. Is it safe to let him in with them? He is generally a very calm and quiet drake. If he chases mum to mate will ducklings stay out of the way? How long should I keep him separate? Any advice welcome.
Thanks :)
Are the mom and ducklings free-ranging so the ducklings can keep out of dad drakes way? I usually keep my mamas and ducklings separate but where everyone can see them for at least 2 weeks. I have never had a Muscovy drake try and mate a young duckling but that isn't always the case from reading on here so it's something that has to be watched carefully. And if dad keeps mating mom and doesn't give her a minutes rest she may abandon her ducklings early.
Also drakes have been known to kill young ducklings so supervision is necessary. I wouldn't ever put ducklings into a pen where they have no way of getting away from the drake. Mom will not protect them.
Are the mom and ducklings free-ranging so the ducklings can keep out of dad drakes way? I usually keep my mamas and ducklings separate but where everyone can see them for at least 2 weeks. I have never had a Muscovy drake try and mate a young duckling but that isn't always the case from reading on here so it's something that has to be watched carefully. And if dad keeps mating mom and doesn't give her a minutes rest she may abandon her ducklings early.
Also drakes have been known to kill young ducklings so supervision is necessary. I wouldn't ever put ducklings into a pen where they have no way of getting away from the drake. Mom will not protect them.
Thank you for reply. They are free -ranging and drake is in other side of garden behind a fence.He can see them if he goes to fence. Goodness I had never considered he might try to mate with the ducklings! To be honest I don't think he would but good to be aware. Mum is letting the ducklings roam a little further from her over past couple of days. I think I will wait another few days before I let him in to see them. I just worry about him getting lonely but I think better to be safe than sorry! I was worried he might trample them when chasing mum to mate so I guess a few more days with them getting bigger and more confident running around is a good idea x
What's funny here is my Muscovy drake when there are ducklings with mama he stays clear of her Until the ducklings are around 3 weeks old then she will start hanging out with him some. There are a lot of things to take into consideration when there are young birds. Supervision is key.
Always depends on the particular flock, I think I’ve seen hens and drakes act in every way imaginable. My advice is to let him in with them, but only when you can watch closely to see how they will all react.

Drakes tend to nudge ducklings away, I’ve only had a few that I’ve thought seriously wanted to hurt them. They mainly just want their girl back. Strangely I find that the hens still allow mating while they are nesting, when they take their breaks from the eggs, but usually once the ducklings hatch, they stay focused on the babies until they get a bit more independent of mom. And the drakes usually seem to understand that mom is off limits for a while. Unless she wants it. ;)

At 2 weeks old, I think yours are definitely able to run from dad, if he is mean, so I’d give him a chance with them. Don’t jump too soon if he tries to nudge them away. See how they react too. But if he tries to actually bite and grab them, you may have to separate him again until they are bigger. My other hens are way more mean to other hen’s ducklings than my drakes are. Lol!
Years ago I had three muscovy ducks. Two hens and a drake. I knew nothing about them at that time. They were all three together in a small pen with a dog house for shelter. The one hen hatched out 8 babies and I left everyone together. The drake went on to keep mating the other hen and left everyone else alone. I was very fortunate. When the babies got bigger they flew way over to a far away neighbors house and I would have to chase them down. I cut their wings but cut both because I didn't know any better. That gave them flight. I rehomed them and now I have some again all these years later but am wiser thanks to this site and my reading up on ducks. Good luck with yours.
Hi everyone. Quick update. I gradually introduced Jim to the ducklings letting him in with them for a couple of hours to start with. Everything went brilliantly and after a couple of days felt confident to leave him with them full time unsupervised. He stepped up to the plate and they are a proper little family. Winnie seems very happy to have him back and they seem extremely happy! Thanks again for advice xx
Hi everyone. Quick update. I gradually introduced Jim to the ducklings letting him in with them for a couple of hours to start with. Everything went brilliantly and after a couple of days felt confident to leave him with them full time unsupervised. He stepped up to the plate and they are a proper little family. Winnie seems very happy to have him back and they seem extremely happy! Thanks again for advice xx
So happy to hear this!!! I am glad that everything is working out well for you and I pray that things stay good. Thanks for the update.

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