Drakes vs Hen sounds??

Aw so cute! Both the duck and the little boy (your son maybe)?

Sounds like she is starting to get a quack. By the end of the week or next week, she should be quacking. My hens sounded like this until I managed to get an indignant QUACK out of them. Some of them you really have to work at to get them to quack- one of my adult hens quacks, but she insists on trying to peep still- she goes really quiet, and then does a very quiet peep-like quack.
If they are boys (which this one, I think is a female) the peeping will turn raspy.
They still have to have the second molt at 10-14 weeks but after that, the males will have the "boy" plumage. Then at 16-20 weeks you can start to see the sex feather (curly tail feather) the drakes have. If you have lots of drakes you will need to get rid of some, the proper ration is one drake for every four to five hens. Just so nobody gets hurt or aggresive.
Thanks :) That is my son :). Really..so this will make 3 out of the 4 that are hens..well unless the video i just posted is a girl also.
Well, Metzer has been okay, but if you really want expert advise, talk to Holderread. Holderread farms basically established (in the US) the breeds you find in North America today.
And that protein is VERY high. The highest I've ever heard anyone use is 20%, and that is pushing it. Angel wing is as common in ducks as it is in chickens, so be careful.
Heard back from them already!

The answer to your question is not as straight forward as it might seem because the quality of proteins vary (i.e., not all proteins are created equal). And there are other variables as well, such as the quality and quantity of their forage.
That said, here’s some info that you might find helpful:
► Purina’s Flock Raiser is widely available and can be used for all stages of the bird’s life from day-old through maturity and during the breeding season. You can start the little ones on crumbles and then switch to pelleted when they have matured enough to manage the larger feed. At every stage you should always offer free choice insoluble granite grit (in a separate container). Insoluble granite grit is available from feed stores and should be used in the appropriate size: chick-size for young birds and larger grit for mature birds.
Although the Flock Raiser can be used at all stages of a bird’s life, it is necessary to make some adaptions during the breeding season. When using Purina’s Flock Raiser during the breeding season, it is necessary to also supply crushed oyster shells free-choice in a separate container. Crushed oyster shells, which are available from most feed stores, provide the additional calcium needed by laying hens. Since the crushed oyster shells are offered free-choice, it keeps the drakes from consuming too much calcium which is hard on their kidneys and liver. (The insoluble grit needs to be in addition to the oyster shells—you don’t want the birds to over-consume calcium because they are using the crushed oyster shells as grit.)
►In some locations, various waterfowl rations are available. If in your locality you can purchase Purina’s waterfowl or duck breeder ration, this would work for birds that are laying. (When not laying, birds should never be fed a breeding or laying ration.) In some locations, other waterfowl rations are available.

As far as using feed with too high a level of protein: Adding slow cook/old fashioned rolled oats to their feed is a great way to cut back on the protein level. Begin by sprinkling it on their feed and then gradually work your way (over the course of a couple days) to the point that they are eating 1 part rolled oats to 3 parts Flock Raiser/or other feed ration.

If you want more information regarding the feeding of ducks, you might see if you can find Dave’s book, Storey’s Guide to Raising Ducks, at your local library. If you’d like more info on the book, here’s a link to the page on our website: http://www.holderreadfarm.com/literature_page/literature.htm. We also have it available for sale if you’re interested. Hope this helps! Wanita at HWFarm

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