Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

rain rain and more rain.
two weeks ago we bought a bare root pear tree.
I stuck it into a half of a 55 gal barrel temporarily.
good thing I did or it would be water logged.
the barrel has plenty of drain holes. I have not had to water it since the day I planted it.
It is looking really nice.
today I worked in the shop. got four slats cut out.

Annie mowed a little while.
then she said we need to go to Wally World and get some coffee filters and trimmer string.
had lunch at Subway.
I can't remember when it rained as long and steady as it is today. Lot of the field corn is coming up all around here.
turned the heat back on. cold and damp. 53F
Amen to not having to water your tree. My dad taught me to water newly planted trees once a week. Mother Nature has taken over that job for me this year.

Yesterday, I was thrilled to spot three tiny apples on my newer Honeycrisp. I bought a Macintosh that was in bloom at Menards and planted it ASAP specifically to pollinate the Honeycrisp after the demise of the Golden Delicious over winter.

Turning the heat back on? Ugh. Haven't had to do that here. But the dehumidifier is running at full force.

Sorry to hear you all are dealing with Too Much Water. It looks like the monsoon season here is over, or at least on pause.

I ran the weed eater and did some hand trimming around rogue blackberries. A bunch of friends are coming over in early June, and if no one wants the extra blackberry plants, I will mow them down. They have escaped the main bed and are gradually moving across the property. I wondered why their previous owner was so agreeable to me taking "as many as you want." I now have that many, and then some!

I spotted two green tomatoes on a cherry tomato plant; a new variety for me -- Orange Zinger. Otherwise, the other cherry tomatoes are blossoming; full-sized ones aren't yet. Radishes are doing well, and the potatoes are peeking out of the ground, no matter how many times I add more dirt to their mounds. I MAY get a few strawberries from the three plants the vermin didn't dig up over the winter. Last week, Carolyn and I put up rabbit fence around that portion of the garden, so potential thieves would likely be squirrels.

Mama cat is an excellent hunter, so I expect fewer critters will be around to do damage. Last night, Calypso came in for dinner while carrying a headless rabbit in her mouth. Can't say I was thrilled to see it. I encouraged her to remove it from the deck.
I had a slow start for the day, but it ended with my getting the wooden table top onto the drill press.
then I got eight of the nine slats cut for the park bench.
then bro Dave came and I was done working for the day., that's OK because visiting people is important, too.
I will be home alone tomorrow, so I should get the slats all machined and finished. I have to round all the edges with the router..
I ordered six tomato plants and one cherry tomato plant from my daughter.
Rain spitted and sputtered all morning, so I took my time doing errands in town yesterday. Unfortunately for my budget, the new owners of one of the greenhouses FINALLY got in some amazing perennials; I will need to plant several of those as soon as I decide exactly where they can fit. I have a bad habit of buying cool plants without thinking about where they can successfully live.

Speaking of which, Menards got some additional veggie varieties in. Since I needed to pick up some concrete stepping stones, I had to walk through the garden center. My veg garden is full, so I think I will plant the Black Cherry tomato (planted one last year and really liked it) at the edge of the cleaned-out blackberry bed. I threw some spindly little cherry tomatoes plants over there last year, and they did great.

The overabundance of wood ticks continues. I bought some repellent I am going to aim at the outdoor cats. Neither would stand still long enough if I tried to use pour-on stuff -- and it's too expensive, anyway.

Hope you get some more work done on that bench, Jim.

Is it drying out any for you, Lisa? Or you, ShrekDawg?
I made good progress with the bench slats yesterday,
today I will round all the edges and then cut them to length.
I have two pieces of 2x4 trimmed down and planed to thickness, I will glue them to the wooden table top on the drill press. bringing the width to 14". covering the whole surface of the metal table top.
our big blackberry patch has decided to spread.
since we did not use the garden for a couple of years, it has taken over about half of it.
there are tons of blossoms .,
the sun is shining brightly and it is 51F at 7:eek:o am
Lisa, Mark Holly said you can cut hay today..
Rain spitted and sputtered all morning, so I took my time doing errands in town yesterday. Unfortunately for my budget, the new owners of one of the greenhouses FINALLY got in some amazing perennials; I will need to plant several of those as soon as I decide exactly where they can fit. I have a bad habit of buying cool plants without thinking about where they can successfully live.

Speaking of which, Menards got some additional veggie varieties in. Since I needed to pick up some concrete stepping stones, I had to walk through the garden center. My veg garden is full, so I think I will plant the Black Cherry tomato (planted one last year and really liked it) at the edge of the cleaned-out blackberry bed. I threw some spindly little cherry tomatoes plants over there last year, and they did great.

The overabundance of wood ticks continues. I bought some repellent I am going to aim at the outdoor cats. Neither would stand still long enough if I tried to use pour-on stuff -- and it's too expensive, anyway.

Hope you get some more work done on that bench, Jim.

Is it drying out any for you, Lisa? Or you, ShrekDawg?
Yeah it’s been pretty dry last couple days lol

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