Driver hit chicken, wants us to pay for new bumper

I probably would have asked a few questions of my own. Particularly why they didn't call them (the police) sooner. Like immediately. And why they instead got an estimate first. I think you would be being very generous giving them half. I would have them sign something that states they are not hurt and that is the only compensation they will ever get in this matter if you do pay them anything.
I simply wouldn't pay unless the sheriff said I was liable. If a person runs over a cat or dog are the owners liable for damage? Sure animals are to be contained but escapes do occur. Motor vehicles are to be in control at all times, this means they don't run things over. In Vermont it's still in the books if a motor vehicle injures livestock the driver is liable for the animal.
On the subject of cats and dogs that have been hit, I've seen an episode of People's Court where a lady ran over a dog, and sued the owner of the dog for damage to her car. She won.

I'm sure we are liable for damage, but I don't think we are 100% to blame. Speed was definitely a factor, and that is the only thing in our favour.

Chickens aren't considered livestock here, so it isn't livestock at large. But they are still our property. I'm just glad that the worst case scenario is only $500, I was worried it would be more. I hate that we have our chickens the most securely contained of all the chicken owners on this 8 mile stretch of road, and it's just not enough.
I hear ya. House is close to road. One night I was to lazy, and let the dog outside to do his thing. Chased something onto road and was struck by small car ( full size lab ). Thankfully driver was not injured. I paid 100%. Didn't equal guilt/sorrow I had for being responsible for dog. Another lesson learned the hard way.

Wishing you best of luck in finding a solution.
We live in the country, there are several properties that have free ranging chickens. Last week, there were pigs in the road. We are the only property who has even put a fence up towards the front. To finish fencing our acres would cost several thousand more and we just couldn't afford that this year.

These are turning into extremely expensive eggs!
If you have to pay for a new bumper, is it possible that you can make it on the condition that you pay the company who does the repair, directly? Even if I was found liable, I wouldn't want to hand over a check, or have my insurance company hand over a check, to these people. You or your insurance company should be paying the repair people. If the person wants the money, sounds fishy to me. I agree with everyone else on here that say the people didn't go about this the right way. I hope it turns out that you are not required to buy them a new bumper. And I am sorry about your chicken. These accidents do happen. We had a stray chicken turn up in our yard a few years ago. crossed the road from the other side of the road.
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Sounds bogus. I am pretty sure they can't claim anything if the insurance companies were not called just after the accident. I am thinking a police report would also have to be filed. And a chicken would not cause damage to a bumper unless it was a super chicken with titanium bones.
For future reference, call the police if this ever happens again and watch the scammer get in his car and zoom off.
Sounds bogus. I am pretty sure they can't claim anything if the insurance companies were not called just after the accident. I am thinking a police report would also have to be filed. And a chicken would not cause damage to a bumper unless it was a super chicken with titanium bones.
For future reference, call the police if this ever happens again and watch the scammer get in his car and zoom off.
i must be realy tired or i need glasses because it looks like your avatar just winked at me
Have her go through the insurance company. Do *not* pay her directly. Make sure you have a paper trail.
Last we heard she is putting it through her car insurance. Her insurance company told her they will come after us through our insurance. We've already called our insurance company to let them know not to pay anything. My partner hasn't had a claim in over 20 years, we would rather pay out of pocket if it comes down to that.

Partner now wants to get rid of all our chickens so this doesn't happen again.

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