Driver hit chicken, wants us to pay for new bumper

This is what I was wondering, about the kind of car....I hit a good-sized raccoon at 55mph in my little Ford Focus and there wasn't a scratch or dent on my one-piece molded bumper.

It just seems so unlikely that a bantam chicken would cause that much damage to a vehicle, even at higher speeds.  Given the condition of the chicken victim, it sounds more like it went under a tire rather than flying up and hitting a bumper.  According to the OP's description of the stretch of road, I wonder if the driver is using the excuse of hitting the chicken in order to get a previously damaged bumper fixed?  It is pure speculation on my part, but the pieces in the puzzle just don't fit.  The situation is sad and aggravating at the same time and I agree with the other posters that this incident just screams "scam".  
To the wishes in getting this resolved as peacefully as possible and I am very sorry for the loss of your little chicken.

You hate to think it's possible but some people would drive down the road and see that chicken that might have been hit by somebody else and say "Heeey, my bumper needs fixing..." I have ran over a 100lb dog and not got a scratch on my truck. If a little chicken did that they are toast if they ever have a real wreck.
The car is a Nissan, maybe an Altima? The police report was filed 24 hours later.

Our whole road is about 75% gravel, we actually live in the 25% paved end. It's in good repair and it's a smooth road. We have a 4 foot wood fence back with cattle fencing to the front, with 5 foot chainlink to the side. I'm hoping with a clipped wing, the chickens won't be able to jump the fence. Today we are clipping wings and temporarily putting up some 5 foot cattle fencing to completely enclose them.

I hope that works for you. Too bad you have to do it this time of year. Hope your weather is better than mine is right now.
I have been on both side of this issue.
A woman in a suburban hit one of our horses that was out. I was renting the pasture from a couple, not my property. Total nightmare. Talked to 2 different lawyers. Completely my liability if she came after me. Luck for me she did not. Her comprehensive covered it and the ins company also did not come after me. I was so grateful as I would have had to pay it all out of pocket.

I hit a woman's dog on a country road. Dented my bumper on my Toyota pickup. The dog was injured
and I picked it up to take it to the house to contact the owners. It ended up being a handicapped woman's dog. I felt so bad, Took the dog in the house and offered to take it to the vet for her. There was noooo way I was going to ask this poor woman to fix my truck. There are more important things in life than a ding on a truck.
I have been on both side of this issue.
A woman in a suburban hit one of our horses that was out. I was renting the pasture from a couple, not my property. Total nightmare. Talked to 2 different lawyers. Completely my liability if she came after me. Luck for me she did not. Her comprehensive covered it and the ins company also did not come after me. I was so grateful as I would have had to pay it all out of pocket.

I hit a woman's dog on a country road. Dented my bumper on my Toyota pickup. The dog was injured
and I picked it up to take it to the house to contact the owners. It ended up being a handicapped woman's dog. I felt so bad, Took the dog in the house and offered to take it to the vet for her. There was noooo way I was going to ask this poor woman to fix my truck. There are more important things in life than a ding on a truck.

You are so right. What comes around goes around. I had a very similar thing happen to me with a car accident. I hit someone's car and they just forgave it right there. Said it was just a little dent and no big deal. Told me to go live my life and not worry about it. A few months later someone hit me. Her insurance company contacted me and everything and I refused their offer and said I wasn't pursuing it. They were shocked. I loved that the best. It felt right and good.
While I also think it's a scam, I want to throw an FYI out there for everyone. Not all home insurance policies cover livestock (or even pet) liability. I have a hobby farm endorsement on my policy that covers me for my 'attractive nuisance' animals (horses & ponies), dogs, poultry, etc. In two states with two different insurance companies it's only been an extra $35 per year. Foremost totally covered me without a peep when my horses were scared through 2 layers of fencing by a cougar and one was killed on the highway. Killed her instantly (thankfully) and totaled the guy's brand new F150. That he was speeding and ignored other drivers' attempts to get him to stop was irrelevant for the liability to his WOULD have become relevant if he tried to come after me for 'pain & suffering'. I tell the story because no one would have ever guessed that my mares who had never challenged a fence in their 15 years would go through my internal fencing and over the perimeter fencing just because a cougar came in the yard. There is no such thing as 100% secure fencing so you need to be prepared.
While I also think it's a scam, I want to throw an FYI out there for everyone. Not all home insurance policies cover livestock (or even pet) liability. I have a hobby farm endorsement on my policy that covers me for my 'attractive nuisance' animals (horses & ponies), dogs, poultry, etc. In two states with two different insurance companies it's only been an extra $35 per year. Foremost totally covered me without a peep when my horses were scared through 2 layers of fencing by a cougar and one was killed on the highway. Killed her instantly (thankfully) and totaled the guy's brand new F150. That he was speeding and ignored other drivers' attempts to get him to stop was irrelevant for the liability to his WOULD have become relevant if he tried to come after me for 'pain & suffering'.  I tell the story because no one would have ever guessed that my mares who had never challenged a fence in their 15 years would go through my internal fencing and over the perimeter fencing just because a cougar came in the yard. There is no such thing as 100% secure fencing so you need to be prepared.

Yes, its true, my homeowners insurance would have nothing to do about it. They also recommend the livestock endorsement here for the horses. When I moved to the "country" we looked into an upgrades policy that had the coverage. Really scary having someone hit a horse. They are tall enough to have a small car strike them, take their legs out and have them roll over the hood and onto the cab.
Just wanted to add some updates. Got a letter in the mail today from their insurance, saying they find us responsible for the damages etc etc. Was expecting that. Talks about subrogation, will figure that part out with my other half when he gets home from work.

Also, yesterday my partner was walking down our road after hearing a weird noise. He actually ended up finding the plastic piece of the bumper that broke off her car. It was wore down and beaten up. He found this about 100ft down the road from where the chicken was hit, took pictures and we have the piece. If anything, it proves this wasn't a pristine bumper and it has taken several hits before.

Oh, wow. Not pristine at all. Thank you for the update, I'm sure we all want to know how this pans out. Good luck!
I wouldn't pay anything!! In retrospect they killed your pet! You can have them pay you for emotional trauma. I would let a judge decide.

Good Luck

It's not going to go to court; she's already put it through her insurance. Her insurance will come after ours, and is. We will have no choice but to pay the insurance company directly, or they will subrogate to ours and our house insurance rates will go up because of the claim.

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