Droopy heads, lack of appetite & death..OREGON

Wasnt sure how old your babies were from your post. I understand what you mean, my grandfather fed his the same way, but honestly, for the best growth and health of youngsters, they need a complete feed. 5 grain scratch is fine for a training tool, but little ones just need more protein, vitamins and minerals to develop properly. And if you ask feedstore personel who should know better, they'll steer you wrong 75% of the time, so dont worry. Just get some Start & Grow or FlockRaiser type feed in any good brand and they'll probably start thriving.
Thank you to everyone. I thought I would update and let you know we had three die since and another getting droppy. I believe the answers here are right, but I also believe it wasn't the full problem, I think after reading a few other posts on here there still may be a mite or spider problem to go with it.
My ex-husband used to paint the roosts with sheep dip and let it go up the chickens legs until they spread it out in their feathers and killed the lice. It worked and we lost no chickens! (This is what he used to de-flea the dog, by dipping him into it too) I know I would have to let them out until it was done.
Wondering your opinion on that?
We are really concerned about them dying and thankful to have a chicken family to relate with here.lol
Blessings to all,
Thought I would let everyone know, not only are the chickens alive, they are thriving. This is so awesome and I have all of you to thank for it. Bless your hearts. The Australorps are now without the white feathers and looking more beautiful, black, and sheen as one could. Every hen that was laying is laying again! We have finally gotten over the hump except we can't seem to get the White Crested Black Polish hen to want to go in the coop at night. Maybe she is afraid of the dark. LOL
To my pecking order I go!!

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