droppings pit

corey- I love the pics. I see netting over the pit how far up from the tray did you make it and is it sloped on an angle? I read somewhere that you shouldn't let in a lot of light but your roost looks like it has a sun roof. I want to put in a run roof to let in natural light, planning to use some lexan we have lying around. Was wondering if the light affects the egg production? How big is your coop? how many birds do you have? Thanks for posting pics of the inside it helps with the idea process.
As I understand it, chickens need roughly 14 hours of natural light a day for the best egg production. I am also putting clear roofing on my coop for this reason. I believe the nest boxes should be in a somewhat darker area, though.

I'm sure someone more knowledgeable than me will be around soon to answer this.
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Me and my dad built the coop it is about 8x8 and I have 19 chickens in it, the most I have had in it was 35. We average about 16 eggs a day out of 18 hens. The roof is a clear plastic material we got at home depot, I love it. It lets in natural light but keeps out rain and holds pretty well in bad weather. I know that my coop is not big enough for my chickens but they always have the run to play around in. The wire is about 5" from the drawer, I made the mistake of getting a wire with too small holes, so now I have to shake or sweep the bigger droppings into the holes. So just make sure to get a wire or netting with big enough holes.

Here are some more pics.
(you have to scroll down a bit)


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