Drowning eggs? Insides are outside? HELP!

No chance at in breeding I get them from the farm I work at...its a huge barn 14,000 birds 12,000 hens 2000 roosters...its a breeding barn so I get all the cull eggs (ones that dont meet hatching standard) I want....I dont know whats going on but it really is frustrating me :S
Its stupid and cruel on the hatcherys part...BUT to them not every egg will make it when Ive had perfectly beautiful layed eggs that never develop or dont hatch....they want the ""ideal" egg sent to them so they have the utmost opportunity to hatch otherwise its a waste of their time. I THINK its bologna...but its my job so I have to do it...its actually sad...but oh well.
But honestly every egg I take regardless if its shaped wierd hatches just fine...generally they make it out ok..no deformities minus the yolk not being digested or the brownish/green goo! They are beautiful healthy birds once they get going just did my last batch and boy boy my smallest hen was 10 pounds and an amazing dress!
Im presuming you have chickens or anything that lays an egg?

You know how sometimes you get a really nicely shaped egg? And sometimes there a bit off? Or there really round? Or there long and skinny? Those are the ones I take to hatch..they do well. lol
those eggs are the ones im talking about but only some of them are like that but Ive had perfectly healthy "normal" meat eggs do the same thing? I have meat hens myself and a meat roo but I keep them on a limited diet so that they lay an egg every day so that through out the winter I can keep hatching my own..I hate using other peoples eggs..id rather it come from my birds but since my bator holds 350 eggs I need more than 3 or 4 eggs a day (meat bird wise).
I have one right now thats hatching that is gooey so I popped the shell and lifted its head out so it COULD hatch and not drown...Im checking them every 15 mins to make sure of this...this batch out of 350 Ive had 4 so far with the goo and 2 with intestines hanging out. :s im so frustrated and confused..i wish there was a simple solution.

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