Drowning in eggs!!! ~~~~Picture Added~~~~

Chickenlisa - I am going to make a sign that I can take down when I'm not home to solve that problem. It might be a pain but hey I need my fridge back

I was'nt going to sell them to anyone but friends and family but people can only eat so many eggs
I have 7 dozen right now and I'll have another by the end of the day. I fed the girls 17 pullet eggs the other day. I only sell the big ones.
I have an over abundance of cartons they are from grocery stores that my customers have returned. I could send you a few dozen. Let me know.

Happy to help if I can.
I just reread your post. We have a cooler at the end our driveway. We leave a jar in the cooler and allow customers to pay on an honor system. We have had little or no problems. We also have a dry erase board by the cooler which my husband acquired. Usually the sign has a small note,the price of the eggs or anything else that we might be selling at the time. The only times people come up to the house is if they are new customers and don't know the routine or if the cooler does not have eggs in it.
Cool! I might try that too-we have small dry erase boards and I have a big front porch that I could use too. I could use the cartons, but you live so far away-not sure that mailing them would make sense. But if you want to and don't mind, I can send my address. I have to figure out how to PM you...and then go look for a "eggs for sale' sign. There have got to be really cute ones out there.
I pay about $3.75 a dozen for free-range eggs at the farmers' market, but live in a large urban area. I am counting the days til my hens produce enough to forgo that. This is not a profit-making venture for me...more like a "wouldn't it fun for the kids if we had a couple of chickens" venture, so the eggs are just a bonus.
schmoo- I hear you! I need my frig back too! last count I had 20 dozen eggs in there. I'm getting over 3 doz/day counting the duck eggs too. Frankly, we're sick of eating eggs. I'm making quiche tomorrow. I've made more pans of Brownies lately than I ever have. We've had them boiled, made into egg salad, made egg sandwiches with cheese, fried eggs and ketchup on toasted bread, hmm...omelets, and more. I really need to sell these all out and start over. I"m even feeding my 2 dogs a raw egg everyday-shell and all. They love it. I usually get a cracked egg or a pecked on, so I feed them to the dogs.
It's always feat or famine, isn't it?
Wow what a problem to have. Have any of you thougth of connecting with a local diner, cafe or resturant? I am sure they would love to buy the eggs for their breakfasts. What a selling point on the menu. Not sure what they pay but I am sure it could be negoiated and then one single steady customer.

What a fun topic and beautiful eggs.

Also Lisa...wow what beautiful eggs. Who is laying the pinkish and the dark brown?
Where did you get your hens?

Then again I keep thinking of egg farts from eating way to many eggs...those are the worst. Then again maybe we can solve our petro depenance and use natural egg fart gas to help us out.
- hey it changed the fartt word into wind. Funny.

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I am also overstocked with eggs, but am glad. I sell mine for $1.50 a doz. and $2.00 18 pk. I am going to be taking some to a local hlep yourself sandwitch place. I've got my signs made up and ready to go. I have 11 1/2 doz in fridge right now, as I sold 8 doz. today, and gathered 52 more when I came home from work. There for awhile my girls weren't laying and I was getting behind on my orders, but they are back to normal. I have 92 chickens and 1 rooster. Most of them I bought as chicks this past spring, and 19 of them are a year or better. I too am putting up signs around town. Good luck to the rest of you. I have also thought about our local diner, the owner just wasn't in the other night when I was there.

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