Drudge Report link on AP video of male chicks being killed

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15 Years
Mar 29, 2009
Coastal Southern California
This is troubling. A group called "Mercy for Animals" took a video (I don't want to watch it so I don't have the link for the video) that is apparently pretty graphic. Here is a link to the article:


I can see both sides of the issue. Even as a new chicken keeper, I realize that males are problematic. I understand that the hatcheries have a dilemma. It does seem so cruel, though. Is this how all hatcheries dispense with male chicks?
I am thinking that most are like this. I have seen it before and hated it. We do put ours in the freezer but we do so humanely and places like this do not. There is a time and place for everything but I hate to see cruelty before death.
Here is a link that i have for this artical What makes these people any different than Michael Vick. 1000 ways to die chose one!

Mercy for Animals video: No links to amimal activist propaganda/hatchery
I want to know how many of the baby roosters were 'adopted' by Mercy For Animals members.

Has this group, or the many others that post these 'revolutionary' videos, come up with a viable solution besides 'boycott', 'become vegan', or 'slander, slander, slander'?

Look, I'm a backyard flock person, not a mass producer. And I know how roosters are the bane of chicken-raising. I have 12 of them, so I know. They do not stay those cute little fur balls for long.

The grinder seems cruel, but it is WAY more humane than what happens to most roosters. It is equivalent to chopping off their heads, is it not?

I don't know. I don't get it. When did Americans become so pasty-faced and feel-good, to shove common sense aside?
Hey, it looked pretty humane to me the grinding part anyway I would much rather see them ground alive than put in a plastic bag to smother ....as I've seen pictures of other hatcheries doing.

I didn't like them throwing the chicks around ...I don't know I guess after a while you become immune to cuteness. Personally I have a very hard time handling or seeing people handle chickies like that.
Gee, some people REALLY think to be ground alive is a humane way to die??? To answer this question, simply choose how YOU would prefer to die - peacefully sleeping or feeling sharp metal blades tearing you apart?
Animals are not human, but they feel fear, pain and deserve a humane death.
Oh, and regarding the activists, at least they are doing something! Most people don't care enough to make even simple changes such as boycotting cruel hatcheries and avoiding buying from companies that only care about profit.
I'm willing to be not one got adopted by that group. I also agree that something needs to be done with the excess males. Wouldn't maybe using gas or something similar be more humane and still cost effective since that is a major issue with the hatcheries, they have to make money.
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