Drunk baby chick all the sudden?


May 10, 2020
I have an odd situation. A BO we got three weeks ago suddenly could barely stand up on her own. We have baby chicks (they are all about 4 weeks old). Initially I thought she was injured but then within an hour she was laying on her side like a wet noodle. We have had 3 chicks die previously and it happened so fast and was probably cocci related but this seemed different mostly because she’s still alive (this happened Thursday afternoon). We’ve been feeding her mush through a eye dropper along with vitamin water too. I’m not even she what to think. She seems stronger but also isn’t quite able to stand and balance so she sits mostly. For the whole first day we thought she would die like the others because she was so limp and weak and then all the sudden she Seems to have started to gain strength. Not sure what the heck is going on. Her two chick sisters are doing well as are the other 3 BSLs. We have her isolated and just seeing what we can do. Any suggestions? I don’t know want her to suffer for sure but she “seems comfortable”. Thanks so much everyone!!!!
Do you have Corid to treat for coccidiosis? That is the most common illness at this age. I would treat all chicks with Corid in the water for 7 days. Dosage is 2 tsp of the liquid per gallon of water. Also give this chick 0.1 ml orally twice a day of undiluted Corid.
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I don’t have the liquid CORID I have the powder that is for like 250 gallons I couldn’t figure out how to dilute it. I’ll call our local feed supply today to see if they have the liquid so I can get moving. Thanks for suggestion!!!
Do you have Corid to treat for coccidiosis? That is the most common illness at this age. I would treat all chicks with Corid in the water for 7 days. Dosage is 2 tsp of the liquid per gallon of water. Also give this chick 0.1 ml orally twice a day of undiluted Corid.
Man that Corid seems to be quite the medicine. She’s eating out of a regular feeder and the water bowl. Crazy. She’s still struggling to stand and balance but much stronger. Hopefully she will fully recover!!! Thanks for the suggestion and help!
You guys!!! She’s standing and walking and getting more and more steady on her feet. I have another question. We feel like she’s kinda lonely, would it be ok to put her cardboard box she’s currently in, up against the coop the others are in and cut a hole so she can see them? Or should I be worried about her getting the others sick? I am now treating them all with their water so I’m hoping that’s preventive enough but what do you suggest as far as reintroduction?

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