Drunk duckling?

Thank you for the help.....I had my husband stop at tractor supply unfortunately they closed at 6 so I hope she makes it through the night.....one guy said I should try giving her Gatorade do you think that is okay?

Yes, I believe quite a few people on here give their babies Gatorade as a electrolyte, just be careful not to aspirate her, you can dip her bill in a little bit of Gatorade or put a few drops on the side of her bill, the sensation water will usually make them drink it down.
Do you have chick grit out for them to help with digestion?
Mine don't pay any attention to it in a separate bowl, so I sprinkle some around the waterer, they pick some up while they're playing.
No I don’t I was going to get some but my neighbor with chickens said I didn’t need it with the food I was using (organic duck starter crumble) do you think they need it with that?

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