Dry and wet fowl pox?

Actually, I see what you're saying. Yes, it's going to have to be try to get close. Sorry, I'm super tired. Going to soak her eye as soon as I finish up things and can sit with her. Thanks again!
It's about all you can do without a ton of equipment. But dissolving 500 mg for example in 2oz of water brings the strength down 112 times, or to .0089 percent of the original in milligrams. Itty bitty flakes would be harder to maintain accuracy, while measuring in a dropper a bit more consistent. Hope you get some rest!
It's about all you can do without a ton of equipment. But dissolving 500 mg for example in 2oz of water brings the strength down 112 times, or to .0089 percent of the original in milligrams. Itty bitty flakes would be harder to maintain accuracy, while measuring in a dropper a bit more consistent. Hope you get some rest!
I see, thanks. They are already broken in halves so already not perfect ... I can't remember why they had me taking them that way. But I can see dissolving then measuring down the liquid would be helpful.

Still working on the swelling.
I see, thanks. They are already broken in halves so already not perfect ... I can't remember why they had me taking them that way. But I can see dissolving then measuring down the liquid would be helpful.

Still working on the swelling.
Trying to think of any opthalmic steroids that might be common, they would help reduce swelling if you are already attempting compresses. Let me go do some digging, the first to mind is prednisone, but I'm not sure on chicken safety for that drug.
I did check the other thread, thanks.

She's had two sessions of applying warm/hot wet cloths to her eye.

I dont know that I've gotten anything out.

After the first time there was s small dryish looking scabby area that came up. I was so tired and didn't take a pic.

After the second session it's much larger and softer. I did get a pic this time.


The beak looks a little better.

So ... I'm thinking this is like a sort of plug of infection that is getting soft and coming out?

In which case I keep doing this every few hours and maybe at some point it needs to be pried out?

I read the thread but did not watch the video of chicken surgery. I'll try to do whatever is needed but I don't have a strong stomach for some things. Or very excellent eyesight. But I see well enough with glasses.

So there's really no point in giving her antibiotics until I get the swelling out? Since she's had pus break through her beak and shoulder, she may very well have other infections going on. If it won't HURT her, shouldn't I go ahead and try?
Actually the swelling is way down from yesterday. I'd forgotten how bad it got yesterday - like I said that had just happened so ... she DOES look better swelling wise.

And she's NOT a barred rock. I'd been so wrapped up with taking care of her I really didn't think about the fact that the barring would have long ago showed up. So I have no idea actually what breed she and my cockerel are. The lady didn't breed black Australorps. She does have Jersey giants, and if that's what this girl is she's even more undersized. She has white tips on a few wing feathers, otherwise black. The "barred rock" cockerel is black with a little chestnut coloring on the tips of some chest and side feathers.
That looks ready to squeeze. I flushed thoroughly with saline, wore sterile gloves, and wrapped her snugly in a towel. I gently work the plug out and used cotton swabs coated in anti-biotic ointment to get every last teensy piece. If you need help in this process just let me know.
Ugh. I think I need help but not with understanding. More with doing lol. I need to steady my stomach first.

So do you end up with a hole that needs cleaning inside?

Can I coat it inside with triple antibiotic ointment (human kind)?

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