d'Uccle color genetics

BTY, just so it's understood to by or with everyone...I was answering Henk but certinally NOT pointing just him out. I encourage any of you to respond, reply, comment, ect. After all thats what this list is for...,,, right?? Genetics, efforts lost, successes and.....????
I think the "problem" with this thread is that it is an ongoing conversation, not a discussion of a specific topic. Instead, it veers of on random tangents rather than focusing. D'uccle genetics are not different than oegb or silkie or wyandotte genetics. If it were a discussion of mille fleur or the mille fleur pattern, and its variations that would be a single topic. Personally, I have the same problem following several of the silkie threads, and mostly choose to not read them (or this); it's really a shame, becuase I very much enjoy genetic discussions.
Sonoran Silkies, that's the reason this thread was originally started. I'm trying to learn the genetics and at this point I really don't know enough to give any input at all.
I was hoping either you or Henk69 and a few more would help those of us just starting out. I think one problem is most of the people on this thread are like me and don't know enough to really have a discussion on genetics.

I guess I'll go back over to the Coop where I have learned a lot just by reading the different threads. It surprises me when I actually understand some of it...it's like learning a whole other language

Agreed Sonoran - I tried in the beginning of this thread, but I couldn't keep up with the rest of the banter. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE banter just like I love genetic discussions, but when the two get mixed, its alittle frustrating.
I agree with all 3 of you. There does need to be less babble and more genetic learning, but I also think the thread has already provided "some" education. I hope it continues to grow and more education can be passed along. There are a lot of us still scratching our heads and doing the best we can. People like Turtlefeathers and Sonoran have a wealth of knowledge, as well as Henk. If I need to leave the thread due to my comments, I will gladly bow out. I just want to learn, watch and absorb as much as possible. Thanks for giving me the op to do so.
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I'm a faithful lurker on this thread. If you take out all the small talk, not only does the thread become VERY slow and dry, but we fail to develop friendships etc. Maybe that is for another thread, but when I check the thread (every morning) .. I am capable of scanning through anything that doesn't interest me and locking in on the tidbits of info that I'm looking for. I mean, the thread isn't THAT busy .. a few posts a day is hardly a "litany" .. imo.

At the same time, I'm developing a feel for the people that share the love of the same breed that I've fallen in love with.

Carry on!
There's already a d'Uccle breeders database thread where we can get to know each other and see everyone's birds. We can chit chat on that one but please keep this one on genetics. Even though I find the genetics on chickens confusing, I don't find it boring and he more I read the more I understand.
I was very glad when I saw Sonoran, TurtleFeathers. lilcrow and Henk69 were giving their input on this thread and I thank them for wanting to share their knowledge.

Everyone may not have the time some of us do to go through pages of chit chat to get to the genetic questions.
d'Uccle Breeders Database

LOL .. so the DATABASE is for chatting


the GENETICS thread is for DATA ....

okeee dokee ...

I'll go back to lurking ..

thank you!
LOL .. so the DATABASE is for chatting


the GENETICS thread is for DATA ....

okeee dokee ...

I'll go back to lurking ..

thank you!

That thread was started to find breeders of the d'Uccles but like this thread, that's what it turned into.
Why not continue to use it for the breeders to get to know each other and show their birds instead of having two threads of chit chat?


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