d'uccle colors and genetics


8 Years
Aug 14, 2011
i am just starting out in the d'uccle world and will be hatching some pq eggs next year while i shop around for some good lines. i have a self blue roo, a porcilian pullet, and a mille fluer w/porcelian heratige pullet. if i hatch eggs out from them what colors would i get. i would appreciate any pics. also the self blue is hatchry qulity and he has wattles, how would deal with this?

i know that the best color to use with him would be black or black molted, could i get blue mille from crossing the mille and the self blue
Patterns , like mille fleur etc., are difficult to establish once a person has out crossed to another variety. I would suggest that you stick with self blue or black. These varieties are easy to reproduce when compared to the secondary pattern varieties. Start with something easy- then progress to the more difficult, time consuming and money consuming projects. Secondary color patterns require years to establish and lots of culled chicks. Trust me I know- I have been working on secondary patterns for a while.

You can get a lavender mille fleur or porcelain. It will take 4 or 5 years and lots of culls to get what you want; assuming one hatch per year.

thank you for the information.

i was told that crossing a porcelian with a self blue can be deadly does anyone know anything about this?

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