D'uccle Thread

Question for the the D'uccle breeders: If D'uccle chicks have fuzz on their middle toes, does that definitely mean they will have feathers there later on?
I am hopefully getting some MF D'uccles next weekend (eggs due to hatch the 28th!) and am fairly new to chickens so I need some guidance as far as what I am reading and looking at when I look at a D'uccle hen. I have been following this thread to see what I can learn about this breed. Sounds like they tend to be friendly/inquisitive and come in so many colors I can't count. But I hear also a lot of terminology about shape and form that I don't understand (for instance, what are "vulture hocks?") and would like to know if there is anywhere that I can view the various conditions and characteristics explained, like a morphology key for D'uccles.

Are all D'uccles boot footed (that's called "cochin" maybe?) AND bearded? I found the breed standard but sort of need an illustrated key to really understand what it is talking about in some cases because I don't know the terminology for any breed and this one seems to have a lot going on. I just know that I LOVE them, having seen a pair of MF for sale at a local flea market a couple years ago or so.

They look like roosters, it I'd a little to so to tell, but they look like they have some muff developing, which would be d'Uccle. Any that developes battles would be booted
His beards not the best. He has feathered middle toes and a nice temperment. He is not much of a crower. Milton D'uccle 7 months.

He looks like a booted bantam, cute. The wattles are a dead give away, it is not a d'Uccle.
He is a Duccle. His parents carry recessive genetics for Sablepoot. His brother is completely beardless and has the taller carriage. He has the squatter build. A few of the hens have great beards. I will be separating them by amount of beard for breeding this summer. There is no real showing in my area Anchorage. So we do what we can with what we have.
I see. Is it still dark in Anchorage? Always wondered about the darkness thing, the cold I can do without, but the beauty would win.

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