D'uccle Thread

Another thing I noticed is that my rooster lays in the nest box sometimes, is he confused? LOL he always stays near the hen when she lays or gets ready to lay. Like he's there for moral support or something haha. Could it just be their age? They're both going to be 7 months old next week.
LOL, I had a great big New Hampshire Red rooster that used to check out and test out the nest boxes--especially after I'd put new bedding in. He was a protective fellow. I always figured if things didn't look right or were different in some way, he was just making sure his ladies would be OK in there.
For sure a D'uccle not a Cochin
I agree... D'uccle... and a pretty one too.
Hi, I'm from Israel and I raise chickens Sramh, Rhode Island, Sussex, Seabright, and more. In three weeks I come to the United States and I would like to buy eggs of bantams, I would like about 30 eggs preferably from the same strain, I would like to receive offers by email: [email protected]'d love you to contact me Thank you Moses.
Long time, no post. My teddi and gypsy babies are all well feathered and gorgeous now. I've sold off most of the cockerels (surprisingly easy to do around here!) to various little boys for pets and 4H birds. I was disappointed that all my prettiest color variations were cockerels, though, and am still in the market for black, white, golden neck, buff columbian, and project colors. I'm willing to drive quite a ways in the right direction- I am headed through TN in a few weeks (along 65). How about it? Anyone got an extra hen? I'd even take a pair at this point.
i just hatched a porcelain d'uccle one of 7 that are almost hatched :) but hes feathered all the way to his last toe the whole foot is feathered is that normal? I thought it was only suppose to be to second toe? am i wrong thanks

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